Fixation of pay of incumbent of posts under the Rehabilitation Ministry (Department of Rehabilitation) on appointment in other Departments of the Government of India under ‘exception” below F.R.22

Fixation of pay of incumbent of posts under the Rehabilitation Ministry (Department of Rehabilitation) on appointment in other Departments of the Government of India under ‘exception” below F.R.22

Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure

New Delhi-1, dated the 31st January, 1970


Subject:- Fixation of pay of incumbent of posts under the Rehabilitation Ministry (Department of Rehabilitation) on appointment in other Departments of the Government of India under ‘exception” below F.R.22

Reference: Department of Expenditure O.M. No.F.2(42)-E.III/62 dated the 14th September, 1962.

In the enclosure to the O.M. cited above containing the designations and scales of pay of posts in the Department of Rehabilitation as were common to the posts in other Ministries/Departments of the Government of India.

(a) For the existing entry showing the scale of Rs. 95-3-110 against the posts of Daftries and Jamadars at SI.Nos 10 and 11 of that enclosure substitute the scale of pay of Rs.75-1-85-EB-2-95; and

(b) For the scale of pay of Rs. 95-3-110 shown against the posts of Khalasis of SL.No.12 thereof, substitute the scale of pay of Rs. 70-1-80-EB-1-85

There were, in fact, no such posts with the above designations in the Settlement Organisation under the Rehabilitation Department carrying the scale of Rs. 95-3-110.

( B.R. Natrajan)
Under Secretary to the Government of India.

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