Counting for initial fixation of pay/increments of service rendered by an officer in a scale of pay higher than or identical with that of a post in the parent cadre

Counting for initial fixation of pay/increments of service rendered by an officer in a scale of pay higher than or identical with that of a post in the parent cadre

Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure

New Delhi, dated the 26th February, 1970


Subject:- Counting for initial fixation of pay/increments of service rendered by an officer in a scale of pay higher than or identical with that of a post in the parent cadre.

The undersigned is directed to refer to this Ministry’s Office Memorandum No.F.1(25)-E.III(A)/64 dated 30th November, 1965 read with their Office Memorandum of even number dated 23rd July, 1968 on the subject mentioned above. A question has been raised whether in cases of Government servants already on deputation prior to 30th November, 1965 but reverting back to parent cadre subsequent to that date, the service rendered upto 29th November 1965 in ex-cadre posts carrying scales of pay identical with or higher than that of the post to which the officer is appointed in the parent cadre on reversion would count for the purposes of fixation of pay and increment, under provisions of proviso (1) (iii) of F.R. 22 and exception thereunder and F.R.26 (as these stood prior to amendment by the Office Memorandum dated the 30th November, 1965 cited above). It has been decided that in such cases the benefit of the ex-cadre service rendered in identical time scale of pay or on higher scales upto 29th November 1965 should count for pay fixation and increments in the post in the parent service/cadre to which the officer reverts to the extent admissible under the orders in force prior to 30th November, 1965.

2.Cases already decided otherwise them in accordance with the above clarification may be reopened if the pay fixation in accordance with these orders is more advantageous. No arrears will, however be paid for the period prior to the date of issue of these orders.

3.In so far as persons serving in the Indian Audit and Accounts Department are concerned, these orders are being issued after consultation with the Comptroller & Auditor General of India.

4.The necessary amendments to the Fundamental Rules are being issued separately.

(Kirpa Singh)
Deputy Secretary to the Government of India.

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