As everyone knows the Central Government has constituted the 7th Pay Commission and named its Chairmen recently. The decision of the government to constitute the 7th CPC has triggered many expectations among the central government employees. Among them was the merger of 50% DA with basic pay as done in the 5th CPC. But the […]
latest news about 50% da merger news you can here,central government employees news,7th pay commission news also update
Confederation press statement-12th February, 2014
P R E S S S T A T E M E N T Dated: 12th February, 2014 As per the report received at the Central Head Quarters of the Confederation, near about 13 lakhs Central Government Employees have commenced the two day strike from Midnight of 11th Feb. 2014. For 48 hours. The Strike […]
Proposed model for promotion of Master Craftsman and Chargeman in Defence Ordnance Establishments
RE-STRUCTURING OF CADRE ARTISAN STAFF IN DEFENCE RRS FOR THE POST OF MCM AND CM Ministry of Defence D(Civ-I) Subject: Restructuring of cadre artisan staff in Defence Establishments in modification of recommendations of 6th CPC – framing of Recruitment Rules for the posts of Master Craftsman (MCM) and Chargeman both in the same GP of […]
CONFEDERATION OF CENTRAL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES AND WORKERS North Avenue Post office, Firstg floor New Delhi. 110 001. Website: confederationhq. E Dated: 4th Feb. 2014. EXPLANATORY NOTE ON DEMANDS Item No. 1. Revision of wage with effect from. 1.,01.2011. The present wage structure of the Central Govt. Employees has been made on the basis […]
50% DA merger with basic pay-AIRF letter to Ministry of Finance
All India Railwaymen’s Federation (Estd. 1924) No.AIRF/13 Dated: January 9, 2014 The Secretary(Exp.), Ministry of Finance, (Government of India) North Block, New Delhi Dear Sir, Reg.: Merger of Dearness Allowance with Pay On the persistent forceful demand of the Central Government employees, including Railwaymen, successive Central Pay Commissions were appointed by the Government of India […]