Shortly DA would cross 100 percent. Once again, all allowances would enhance by 25% As per the information received, unlike previous time, decision on DA would be taken by Cabinet Committee Meeting without delay. Subsequent to release of AICPIN for the month of June by Labor Bureau, Finance Ministry would send for the approval of […]
latest news about 50% da merger news you can here,central government employees news,7th pay commission news also update
Merger Of 50% DA With Pay : Resolution adopted in INTUC Conference
Merger Of 50% DA With Pay : Resolution adopted in INTUC Conference Merger Of 50% DA With Pay The 30th Plenary Session of Indian National Trade Union Congress INTUC is being held in Raipur from 6-9-2013 to 9-9-2013 is concluded today. There are 4 Resolutions which are considered to be very important are adopted […]
Merge 50% DR with basic pension,Constitute 7th CPC, provide representation to Pensioners in Rajya Sabha & Medical facilities to Pensioner-Sh S.S.Ramasubbu M.P writes to PM
Merge 50% DR with basic pension,Constitute 7th CPC, provide representation to Pensioners in Rajya Sabha & Medical facilities to Pensioner-Sh S.S.Ramasubbu M.P writes to PM Subject : Request to consider the genuine grievances of Central Government Pensioners – Regarding. Namaskar, Herewith, I am forwarding the representation submitted by All India Central Government Pensioner’s Association, New […]
Merger of 50% DA :Revised table for fixation of Pay as on 01.01.2007 in respect of Non-executives of BSNL.
Orders have been issued for allowing the benefit of merger of 50% DA effectively amounting to 78.2% as on 1.1.2007 for the purpose of fitment in respect of Non-executive employees of BSNL w.e.f. 10.6.2013 CORPORATE OFFICE BHARAT SANCHAR NIGAM LTD (A Government of India Enterprise)Bharat Sanchar Bhawan H.C. Mathur Lane, New Delhi-01 No. 1-16/2010-PAT(BSNL) […]
Merger of 50% DA effectively amounting to 78.2% as on 01.01.2007 for BSNL Employees Order issued
DoT Order on 78.2% IDA merger No 61-01/2012-SUGovernment of IndiaMinistry of Communications & Information TechnologyDepartment of Telecommunications Sanchar Bhavan, 20 Ashoka Road New Delhi 110001Dated, the 10th June, 2013 In exercise of the powers conferred by the Article 145 of Articles of Association of the Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL), the President is pleased to […]