50% DA MERGER – Impact of Merger of 50% Dearness Allowance with Basic Pay Any possible to convert 50% of dearness allowance to dearness pay..! Everyone’s pointing fingers at “Parliament Election”…! 50% DA MERGER 50% of dearness allowance had been merged with basic pay for Central Government Employees and Pensioners with effect from 1.4.2004. This […]
latest news about 50% da merger news you can here,central government employees news,7th pay commission news also update
Central Government employees may get 50% DA merger
Central Government employees may get 50% DA merger. The Central Government has already formed the 7th Pay Commission for it’s employees. The Commission will recommend wage revision for the 50 lakh Central Government employees, as well as pension revision for the 30 lakh pensioners. As per media reports, the Government may merge 50% DA with […]
Whether Govt. actually merged Dearness Allowance with basic pay today (20/02) ?
Whether Govt. actually merged Dearness Allowance with basic pay today (20/02) ? Rumors spread very fast this afternoon that central cabinet approved terms of reference of seventh CPC and agreed to merge 50% of D.A. with basic pay for central employees and pensioners. Some of the popular websites and media sites started flashing this news. […]
Merger of 50% DA with Pay and grant of Interim Relief-NFIR
Merger of 50% DA with Pay and grant of Interim Relief. NFIR National Federation of Indian Railwaymen No.II/95/Pt. VI Dated: 20/02/2014 The General Secretaries of Affiliated Unions of NFIR. Brother, Sub: Merger of 50% DA with Pay and grant of Interim Relief. NFIR has been writing to the Government of India (including Prime Minister, Finance […]
Inclusion of DA Merger and Interim Relief in 7th CPC ToR – Cabinet likely to approve 7th CPC ToR
Inclusion of DA Merger and Interim Relief in 7th CPC ToR – Cabinet likely to approve 7th CPC ToR Inclusion of DA Merger and Interim Relief in 7th CPC Terms of Reference – Union Cabinet likely to approve the 7th CPC Terms of Refernce in the next meeting, media sources said. “To woo central government […]