Reduction to lower time-scale of pay / grade – Case 8

 Reduction to lower time-scale of pay / grade

The penalty of reduction to the lower grade carrying Level 8 for a period of two years is imposed on Government servant who is at Level 9 w.e.f. 04.11.2018, with further directions that the reduction shall not postpone his future increments and on the expiry of the period he shall regain his original seniority in the higher grade.

On 4.11.2018 the Government servant is drawing Rs.58000 in Level 9 of pay Matrix. The Government servant had been promoted from the post in Level 8 to the post in Level 9 of the pay Matrix on 13.08.2016 and on promotion his pay was fixed at Rs. 54700/- At the time of promotion his pay was Rs. 52000 in Level 8 of the Pay Matrix.

In this case the pay in Level 8 would need to be fixed w.e.f. 4.11.2018 o 3.11.2020 as if he had continued in Level 8. Pay would be regulated as under:

Date Level 9 Level 8
13.08.2016 54700 [2ndCell in Level 9] 52000 [4th Cell in Level 8]@
1.07.2017 56300 [3rdCell in Level 9] 53600 [5th Cell in Level 8]@
1.07.2018 58000 [4thCell in Level 9] 55200 [6th Cell in Level 8]@
3.11.2018 58000 [4thCell in Level 9]
4.11.2018 {date of penalty order} 55200 [6th Cell in Level 8] [after imposition of Penalty]
Pay during the currency period from 4.11.2018 to 3.11.2020 (i)             Reduced pay w.e.f. 4.11.2018 to 30.06.2019 will be 55200 [6thCell in Level 8]

(ii)           Pay w.e.f. 1.07.2019 to 30.06.2010 will be Rs.56900/- [7th Cell in Level 8]

(iii)         Pay w.e.f 1.07.2020 to 3.11.2020 will be Rs. 58600 [8thCell in Level 8]

Notional pay during the currency period On 1stJuly, 2019 Rs. 59700 [5thCell in Level 9]


On 1stjuly, 2020 Rs. 61500 [6thCell in Level 9]

4.11.2020 [After completion of penalty 61500 [6thCell in Level 9]
Next increment 1.7.2021 63300 [7thCell in Level 9]


  1. @ Notional pay in Level 8 from 13.08.2016 to 3.11.2018.
  2. Under FR-28, the authority which orders the reduction of a Government Servant as a penalty from a higher grade or post be a lower grade or post may allow him to draw pay at any stage, not exceeding the maximum of the lower grade or post, which it may think proper. Provided the pay allowed to be drawn by a government servant shall not exceed the pay which he would have drawn by the operation of FR 22 read with clause (b) or (c), as the case may be of FR 26. This illustration is where no such orders have been passed. Where the disciplinary authority has specified the pay to be drawn in the lower post pay will be drawn as per those directions.

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