Central Civil Services (Revision of Pay) Rules, 1947- 20th March, 1948

Central Civil Services (Revision of Pay) Rules, 1947.

No.F.10(22)-Est. (Spl)/48.
Government of India.
Ministry of Finance.

New Delhi, the 20th March, 1948

Office Memorandum.

Subject:- Central Civil Services (Revision of Pay) Rules, 1947.

In continuation of the Ministry’s Office Memorandum No.F.11(1)-Est.(Spl)/47, dated the 15th December, 1947, on the subject mentioned above, the undersigned is directed to say that the following decisions have been taken regarding the fixation of pay under the rules referred to:-

(1) As rule 8(1) (a) of the Central Civil Services (Revision of Pay) Rules, 1947,does not differentiate between annual and biennial increments, an increment is admissible under that rule for every three completed years of service in the corresponding scale irrespective of the increments in the prescribed scale being annual or biennial.

(2) If the increment in the prescribed scale next to the pay fixed under the Rules is biennial, the pay should be deemed to have been fixed at the first stage on the particular rate unless the individual concerned would have reached the second stage on that rate had he been drawing pay in the prescribed scale from the date of his admission to the existing scale in which case his pay will be fixed at the second stage. For the purpose of Rule 10 the next increment of a person fixed at the first stage will take him to the second stage on the same rate and not to the next higher rate in the prescribed scale.

(3) The scale of Rs. 30-1/2-35 prescribed for the lowest category in class IV service carries annual increments of eight _____ each and not biennial increments of a rupee each.

2. A corrigendum to the memorandum explanatory of the Central Civil Services (Revision of Pay) Rules, 1947, is enclosed.

(B.L. Batra)
Under Secretary to the Government of India.

All Ministries of the Government of India



Copy forwarded to the Cabinet Secretariat; Prime Minister’s Secretariat; the Development Board; the Joint Secretary, Ministry of Finance (States ad External Affairs); Joint Secretary, Ministry of Finance (Communications); Joint Secretary, Ministry of Finance (Industries and Commerce); Joint Secretary, Ministry of Finance (Defence Finance Division); Joint Secretary, Ministry of Finance (Food, Agriculture & Miscellaneous); the Revenue Division; the Finance Division; Deputy Secretary, Ministry of Finance (Supply); the Federal Public Service Commission; the Private Secretary to H.E. the Governor General; the Military Secretary to H.E. the Governor General; the Auditor General of India; All Accountants General and Comptrollers; Director of Audit, War and Supply; the Director of Railway Audit; the Deputy Accountants General under the Accountant General, Posts and Telegraphs; the Account Officer, Telegraph Check office, Calcutta; the Mint Masters, Bombay and Calcutta; the Officer-in-charge, Construction, the India Government Mint, Alipore, Calcutta 27; the Master, Security Printing India, Nasik Road, the National Saving Bureau; Deputy Secretary, Ministry of Finance (Delhi Province); the Commodities Prices Board; the Federal Court; the Secretary General, Indian Red Cross Society, New Delhi 3.; the Burma Supply Mission, New Delhi; the Chief Accounting Officer to the High Commissioner for India; the Auditor, Indian Home Accounts, London and the Director, International Labour Office, (Indian Branch), New Delhi.

Copy forwarded to all Provincial Governments, Chief Commissioners, the Government of Burma and the Government of Pakistan.
By order etc.,

(B.L. Batra)
Under Secretary to the Government of India.

Copy to all Branches of Establishment Division and Cash Branch.


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