Railways – Procurement of engineering materials by Stores Department

Procurement of engineering materials by Stores Department

भारत सरकार Government of India
रेल मंत्रालय Ministry of Railways
रेलवे बोर्ड (Railway Board)


New Delhi dated 01.09.2022

General Manager,
All Zonal Railways, NF(C)

Sub: Procurement of engineering materials by Stores Department.

Ref: Railway Board’s letter of even number dated 30.08.2022.

1. Vide letter referred above, decision of Board regarding procurement of all Engineering material through Stores Department has been conveyed.

2. In order to ensure smooth transition and efficient procurement of Engineering material being procured at ZR level, the following is advised:

i. Procurement should be at zonal Headquarter level and not delegated to field units.
ii. PCMM in consultation with PCE should make plan for smooth transition ensuring no adverse affect on material availability and concerns of PCE should be taken into consideration.
iii. Regular co-ordination meeting between Sores and Engineering department officers at appropriate level may be institutionalized.
iv. Items should be gradually made stock items.
v. Technical evaluation and rate reasonability should be dealt with as being dealt for other stock items.
vi. Procurement shall be done through IMMS/IREPS/UDM.
vii. All Engineering Depots should be brought on UDM to have inventory management on IR basis.

3. PCMMs shall manage the work through their existing resources, without any manpower specially required for this additional work.

Manoj Kumar Gupta
Executive Director Railway Stores(G)
Railway Board

Source: indianrailways.gov.in

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