Railways: Strike Notice given by All India Station Masters’ Association (AISMA), an unrecognised Union

Strike Notice given by All India Station Masters’ Association (AISMA), an unrecognised Union – Railway Board order

Government of India
Ministry of Railways
(Railway Board)

No. 2021/E(LR)II/6/5

New Delhi, dated: 03.12.2021

The General Manager,
Southern Railway,

Subject: Strike Notice given by All India Station Masters’ Association (AISMA), an unrecognised Union.

All India Station Masters’ Association (AISMA), an unrecognized Union, has given a Strike Notice (Copy enclosed) regarding 72 Hours “ON AND OFF” duty Hunger Fast from 00.00 Hours from 10th December, 2021 to 23.59 Hours of 12th December, 2021 by Station Managers, Station Superintendents, Station Masters and Traffic Inspectors of Southern Railway in support of their Charter of Demands. The Strike Notice has been given in terms of Sub-section (1) of Section 22 of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 to General Manager/Southern Railway and copy has been endorsed to others.

2. In view of aforesaid, there should not be any room for complacency on the part of the Railway administration and all necessary stringent steps must be taken to ensure discipline and smooth functioning of rail movement. It must be ensured that Railway servants need to seek necessary permission from their Competent Authority to leave their headquarters. Instructions may be issued not to sanction any kind of leave including Casual Leave, if applied for their participation in the proposed “ON AND OFF” duty Hunger Fast.,

3. Their particular attention should be drawn to relevant penal provisions i.e. Section 173, 174 and 175 of the Railways Act, 1989 which are attracted in cases of abandoning train without authority, obstructing running of train and endangering the safety of persons by disobeying rules etc.

4. In case, Station Masters etc. take mass leave without any sanction for participation in aforesaid Hunger Fast, Southern Railway is advised to submit a report in this matter to Railway Board on e-mail ID “rk.sinha1963[at]gov.in”

(R.K. Sinha)
Director, Estt.(IR)
Railway Board

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