Department of Post : Limited Transfer Facility for all categories of Gramin Dak Sevaks (GDS)

(iii) A separate register in prescribed Proforma attached herewith as Annexure-II is to be maintained at Circle Office/Regional Office/ Divisional Office for recording transfer requests of all categories of GDS.
(iv) The list of vacant posts of GDS to be sent to Circle Office/Regional Office by last day of every month by the Divisional Head.
(v) In case more than one application is received for the same GDS posts, date of submission of application shall be the deciding criteria for considering transfer. Application for transfer submitted on an earlier date shall be considered first. In case date of submission of applications is same, the GDS joined earlier shall be considered first. In case date of submission of application and date of joining, both are same, the older GDS shall be considered first.
(vi) Transfer request for vacant GDS posts should not be considered if such vacant posts have already been notified for GDS engagement. However, such GDS posts which remains vacnt afterexhaustion of prescribed selection panel, may be considered for accommodating transfer request.
4. The above instructions will come into effect from the date of issue of this OM
5. Hindi Version will follow.
(Tarun Mittal)
Assistant Director General (PE-I & SCT)/LO to (GDS/PCC)

S.NoLevel of GDSTransfer Allowed (Level of GDS)
1BPM Level -1a. BPM Level-1 in TRCA slab-2 b. ABPM/Dak Sevak Level -2 (Postal/RMS) in same TRCA slab
2BPM Level -2BPM Level -2 in TRCA slab 3
3ABPM / Dak Sevaks Level-1ABPM/Dak Sevak Level – 1 in TRCA slab-1
4ABPM / Dak Sevaks Level-2a. ABPM/Dak Sevak Level – 2 in TRCA slab-2 b. BPM Level -1 in the same TRCA slab provided that, the GDS has to make accommodation arrangement for managing BO as per standard prescribed for BO and fulfilling the condition of educational qualification, Computer certificate etc. prescribed by the Department from time to time. Before joining as BPM Level-1, he/she has to undergo prescribed training for BPM.
5ABPM/Dak SevakABPM/Dak Sevak from Postal to RMS and vice-versa I same TRCA slab.
6Dak Sevak in RMSBPM/ABPM/Dak Sevak in the same TRCA level subject to providing standard accommodation fulfilling the educational qualifications and computer certificate etc. as narrated at (ix) 4 b above

(iii) A separate register in prescribed Proforma attached herewith as Annexure-II is to be maintained at Circle Office/Regional Office/ Divisional Office for recording transfer requests of all categories of GDS.
(iv) The list of vacant posts of GDS to be sent to Circle Office/Regional Office by last day of every month by the Divisional Head.
(v) In case more than one application is received for the same GDS posts, date of submission of application shall be the deciding criteria for considering transfer. Application for transfer submitted on an earlier date shall be considered first. In case date of submission of applications is same, the GDS joined earlier shall be considered first. In case date of submission of application and date of joining, both are same, the older GDS shall be considered first.
(vi) Transfer request for vacant GDS posts should not be considered if such vacant posts have already been notified for GDS engagement. However, such GDS posts which remains vacnt afterexhaustion of prescribed selection panel, may be considered for accommodating transfer request.
4. The above instructions will come into effect from the date of issue of this OM
5. Hindi Version will follow.
(Tarun Mittal)
Assistant Director General (PE-I & SCT)/LO to (GDS/PCC)

SITransfer RequestedCompetent Authority
IWithin divisionDivisional Head
IIOutside Division but within same RegionRegional Head (PMG)
IIIOutside Division/Region but within Same circleCircle Head (CPMG)
IVOutside CircleCircle Head of both the circles

(iii) A separate register in prescribed Proforma attached herewith as Annexure-II is to be maintained at Circle Office/Regional Office/ Divisional Office for recording transfer requests of all categories of GDS.
(iv) The list of vacant posts of GDS to be sent to Circle Office/Regional Office by last day of every month by the Divisional Head.
(v) In case more than one application is received for the same GDS posts, date of submission of application shall be the deciding criteria for considering transfer. Application for transfer submitted on an earlier date shall be considered first. In case date of submission of applications is same, the GDS joined earlier shall be considered first. In case date of submission of application and date of joining, both are same, the older GDS shall be considered first.
(vi) Transfer request for vacant GDS posts should not be considered if such vacant posts have already been notified for GDS engagement. However, such GDS posts which remains vacnt afterexhaustion of prescribed selection panel, may be considered for accommodating transfer request.
4. The above instructions will come into effect from the date of issue of this OM
5. Hindi Version will follow.
(Tarun Mittal)
Assistant Director General (PE-I & SCT)/LO to (GDS/PCC)

(iii) A separate register in prescribed Proforma attached herewith as Annexure-II is to be maintained at Circle Office/Regional Office/ Divisional Office for recording transfer requests of all categories of GDS.

(iv) The list of vacant posts of GDS to be sent to Circle Office/Regional Office by last day of every month by the Divisional Head.

(v) In case more than one application is received for the same GDS posts, date of submission of application shall be the deciding criteria for considering transfer. Application for transfer submitted on an earlier date shall be considered first. In case date of submission of applications is same, the GDS joined earlier shall be considered first. In case date of submission of application and date of joining, both are same, the older GDS shall be considered first.

(vi) Transfer request for vacant GDS posts should not be considered if such vacant posts have already been notified for GDS engagement. However, such GDS posts which remains vacnt afterexhaustion of prescribed selection panel, may be considered for accommodating transfer request.

4. The above instructions will come into effect from the date of issue of this OM.

5. Hindi Version will follow.

(Tarun Mittal)
Assistant Director General (PE-I & SCT)/LO to (GDS/PCC)


Annexure – I


1. Name of the GDS :

2. Post held by GDS with name of Sub Dn/Division/Circle:

3. Date of engagement as regular GDS :

4. Educational qualification :

5. Whether Single or Married :

6. Existing TRCA Level with Slab :

7. GDS Post for which transfer is sought for alongwith name of BO/SO/HO/RO :

8. Name of Division/Circle to which transfer is sought :

9. Whether transfer sought is mutual (Yes/No):………………….

9.1. If on mutual grounds name and details of engagement : ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

9.2. If not on mutual grounds, preferences of transfer choice: (i)……………………………………. (ii)……………………….. (iii)…………………………. (iv)………………………….. (v)……………………….. (vi)…………………………….. (vii)………………………….. (viii)……………………………….. (ix)……………………………………. (x)………………………………..

10. Reasons for which transfer is sought for :

11. I, Shri/Smt/Miss _______________ declare that above information furnished by me are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. I accept all the terms and conditions provided in OM No. 17-31/2016-GDS dated …………. as amended from time to time

(i) I hereby declare that in the evnet of my limited transfer from ____________________ to ____________________ I will rank junior in the gradutaion list of few unit to all the GDS of that unit on the dateof joining that unit.

(ii) I will not claim any TA or transit. I will not have any claim to go back to my old post in any circumstances. I will also abide by these conditions as amended from time to time.



Signature of the GDS
with post held by GDS


12. The above application of Shri/Smt/Miss _______________________ Seeking transfer on own cost and request has been scrutinised by me and certified that the information furnished by the official in the application is correct. This is also to certify that he/she is not under put off duty and there is no disciplinary case, Police case or Court case is pending against him/her.

The transfer is recommended/not recommended :

Date :

Signature & Designation stamp of
the Head of Engagement Unit Division

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