Preventive measures to contain the spread of COVID-19: KVS orders that Assistant Commissioner and above to attend office on regular basis and others on alternate day

Preventive measures to contain the spread of COVID-19: KVS orders that Assistant Commissioner and above to attend office on regular basis and others on alternate day

18. Institutional Area. Shaheed Jeet Singh Marg
New Delhi 110016

F 11029-9/2020-KVS(HQ)(Admn-l)/24

Date: 19.04.2021

The Deputy Commissioner/ Director
Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan
All Regional Offices/ ZIETs.

Sub: Preventive measures to contain the spread of COVID-19 —reg.


In compliance of the directions as received vide MoE circular F. No. 44011/2/2021-E-IV dated 16.04.2021 and due to unprecedented rise in the number of COVID-19 cases in the country the competent authority KVS has decided that all the similar preventive measures/ steps are to be taken at KVS(HQ)/ RO/ ZIET keeping in mind the following:-

(a) Officers from the rank of Assistant Commissioner and above to attend office on regular basis.

(b) Officers from the Section Officer/equivalent and other Group “B” & “C” staff shall attend office on alternate day as per roster prepared by the respective section heads.

(c) All Divisional Heads to issue office orders describing roster of attendance of the staff working under them assess the requirement in such a way that at least one Dealing Assistant is available in each section.

(d)The Divisional Heads/Branch Officers will ensure that the roster duty will be assigned in such a way that on the dates when Section Officer is not available in office, the senior most ASO or Dealing Assistant (DA) who is well conversant with the functioning of section is available in the section.

(e)The employees who will work from home be available on WhatsApp / mobile phone etc. for disposal of official work.

(f) Keeping in view the urgency of work any official may be asked to attend office other than dates of roster.

(g)The employees residing in Containment Zones are to be exempted from attending Office till the containment zone is de-notified.

(h)All officials who attend office should strictly follow COVID-19 appropriate behavior like wearing of mask, physical distancing, use of sanitizing and frequent hand washing with soap and water.

(i) Crowding in lifts, staircases, common areas should be strictly avoided.

(j) Meetings, as far as possible, are to be conducted virtually.

It is worth to mention that, besides above; the instructions/ directions issued by concerned State/UT Government have to be followed in true spirit.

This issues with the approval of Commissioner, KVS.

Yours faithfully,
(Dr. E. Prabhakar)
Joint Commissioner (Admn.)

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