Observance of due diligence during processing of vigilance cases – Railways

Observance of due diligence during processing of vigilance cases


No. 2020/V-1/CVC1/2

New Delhi, Dated, 26.10.20

All Zonal Railways/PUs

The CVOs
All PSUs



Sub: Observance of due diligence during processing of vigilance cases

In a composite vigilance case pertaining to one Zonal Railway, upon conclusion of investigation, first stage advice of CVC was obtained against certain officials involved in the case. Subsequently, during major penalty DAR proceedings, it was realized that one non-gazetted official, who had no locus standi in the case, was erroneously included in the report, against whom initiation of major penalty proceedings was advised by the Commission. When the case was referred back, the Commission expressed displeasure for adopting lax attitude during processing of case to CVC.

To avoid recurrence of such instances in future, it is advised that version of suspect official should normally be taken during investigation for arriving at an objective conclusion, subject to exceptions stipulated in Para 522.4 of IRVM 2018. The process of obtaining response affords an opportunity to the suspect official to explain his/her stand and might clarify the differences in understanding, perception and interpretation of issues. Therefore, all case handling authorities are directed to demonstrate due, diligence during staff accountability exercise and after thorough scrutiny only, case should be submitted to Board vigilance.

This issues with approval of Competent Authority.

(Srinivas Malladi)
Director Vigilance(Eng)I
Railway Board

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