Holiday on 16th November 2020 due to Bhai Duj

Holiday on 16th November 2020 due to Bhai Duj

Bhai Duj

Bhai Duj is a Restricted holiday falls on November 16, 2020 Monday as per Govt. Dopt 2020 holiday list. The festival Bhai Dooj is the one, that signifies the special connection between a brother and a sister. The bond which unlike any other, stands out from the rest in its own and special way.

Bhai Dooj is a festival that comes two days after Diwali, which expresses the sister’s deep love and affection towards her brother. On this day, sisters wish for the well being of their brothers.

it is believed that after killing demon Narakasura on the day which is now celebrated as Diwali, Lord Krishna visited his sister Subhadra who welcomed him by applying a tilak on his forehead. And since then, this day is celebrated as Bhai Dooj.

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