Railways : Delay in submission of cases to Railway Board

Railways : Delay in submission of cases to Railway Board

Government of India
Ministry of Railways
(Railway Board)

No. E(O)I-2019/ Misc / 14

Dated: 25.02.2020

General Managers,
All Indian Railways,
Production Units,

Director Generals,

Centralized Training Institutes.

Sub: D&A Cases: Delay in submission of cases to Railway Board .

It has come to the notice of Railway Board that in a number of cases non -availability of Service-particulars of the charged officials pertaining to their previous posting causes delay in furnishing data to Railway Board as per prescribed proforma. You are, therefore requested to send the service-records of the officers to their respective places of posting immediately after their transfer when they join the new posts.

2. It has also come to notice of Railway Board that in none of the Railways there is any officer in SG/JAG/SS (for example, Dy CPO or SPO) detailed to look after the Discipline & Appeal cases exclusively. It may be appreciated that D&A action is a serious matter requiring focused attention. In absence of an officer at senior level entrusted with this Job exclusively, the cases do not get due attention and thus get delayed. You are therefore requested to post a Dy CPO or SPO or equivalent officer exclusively in charge of D&A cases immediately and apprise Railway Board. The officer so posted may be advised to get in touch with Joint Secretary (Estt.) , Railway Board for expeditious finalization of pendencies.

Secretary, Railway Board

Signed Copy

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