Delhi – National convention of workers: 28-09-2018

Delhi – National convention of workers: 28-09-2018

4th August, 2018

Dear friends,

The CTUs in their meeting on 21m July 2018 had taken serious note of the continuous and more aggressive steps by the NDA govt. against the labour rights, pushing various codes disregarding views points/suggestions of CTUs, having brought fix term appointment as a policy etc.

In this background, it was decided to intensify our ongoing agitation unitedly. The decision for holding a National Convention of workers to chalk out a programme of action and the time schedule for joint conventions at state level (also at district level where- ever possible), sectoral national conventions and any other format etc to lead for preparation to organise two day Nationwide General Strike by the end of the year.

The convention will be held on 28th September 2018 in Mavlankar Hall from 10:30 AM.

The delegation from respective unions will be decided after consultations and would be communicated to all.

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