NFIR : Revision of Kilometrage rates and other Allowances of Running Staff

NFIR : Revision of Kilometrage rates and other Allowances of Running Staff

No.IV/RSAC/Conf./Part IX

Dated: 05/01/2018

The General Secretaries of
Zonal Unions of NFIR


Sub: Revision of Kilometrage rates and other Allowances of Running Staff-reg.

The issue pertaining to revision of Kilometraeg Allowance rates and other related Allowance for Running Staff was discussed on 4th & 5th January, 2018 at Rail Bhavan under the chairmanship of Additional Member (Staff). The NFIR’s note highlighting the position from 01/01/2006 and necessity for upward revision of Kilometrage Allowance rate was discussed. After considering the points brought out by the Staff Side on 4th & 5th January 2018, the Railway Board will respond.

Further development on the subject will be conveyed to affiliates at the earliest.

Yours fraternally,

(Dr. M. Raghavaiah)
General Secretary

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