Foreign Direct Investment in Indian Railways- reg

Foreign Direct Investment in Indian Railways- reg

Government of India
Ministry of Railways
(Railway Board)

No. 2014/E(LR)III/REF/AIRF/1

New Delhi, dated:16.12.2014

Sub.: Foreign Direct Investment in Indian Railways- reg.

Dear Sirs,
In the above context, Hon’ble Minister for Railways has desired to meet the President and General Secretary of All India Railwaymen’s Federation (AIRF) and National Federation of Indian Railwaymen (NFIR) over lunch on December 18. 2014 at 13.00 hrs. in the Lunch Room adjacent to_conference Hall, 2nd Floor, Rail Bhawan, New Delhi.

3. Accordingly, President & General Secretary of AIRF and NFIR are requested to kindly make it attend the meeting.

Yours faithfully

(Ragini Yechury)


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