No 6-day week for Govt employees: Cabinet Secretary assures unions

6day workNational Council (Staff Side)


NEW DELHI: 14 JUNE, 2014

Present whispering about reverting back to six days a week in place of the prevalent five days week working in the Administrative Office of the Central Government.

In this connection, the issue was discussed by Shri Shiva Gopal Mishra, Secretary Staff Side, National Council(JCM) and General Secretary, All India Railwaymen’s Federation, with the Cabinet Secretary on 13th June, 2014, and it was brought to his notice that five days a week working was introduced, way back in the year 1985 after prolonged deliberations at the National Council(JCM) level. Various aspects, including energy saving in the form of electricity and also Statutory Provision regarding working hours were kept in view.

After discussion, Cabinet Secretary assured to Secretary Staff Side NC/JCM, Shri Shiva Gopal Mishra, that no such proposal is under consideration with the Government at present.


For Secretary(Staff Side)
National Council(JCM)


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