GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (Railway Board) S.No.PC-VI/305 RBE No.131 /2012 No.PC-V/2009/A/DA/1 New Delhi, dated 22/11/2012 The General Managers/ CAO(R), All Indian Railways & PUs (As per standard mailing list) Sub:-Rates of Dearness Allowance applicable w.e.f. 01-07-2012 to the Railway employees continuing to draw their pay in the pre-revised scale as per 5th CPC. […]
Dearness allowance news
Stay informed about the latest Dearness Allowance (DA) news and updates. Learn about the DA order and how it affects government employees' salaries. Keep up-to-date on any changes and announcements regarding DA rates and implementation.
Merger of DA with pay
Confederation of central government employees and workers | strike on 12.12.12 explanatory note on demands Point no. 2 Merger of DA with pay: The wage revision of the Central Government employees had always been through the setting up of Pay Commissions. Since the wage revision exercise involves inquiring into various aspects of wage determination and […]
DA for Bank Employees|Dearness Allowance for Workmen and Officer Employees in banks for the months of November, December, 2012 & January 2013
Indian Banks’ Association HR & INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS No.CIR/HR&IR/76/D/2012-13/6142 1st November. 2012 All Members of the Association (Designated Officers) Dear Sirs, Dearness Allowance for Workmen and Officer Employees in banks for the months of November, December, 2012 & January 2013 under IX BPS/Joint Note dt. 27.4.10 The confirmed All India Average Consumer Price Index Numbers for […]
7 pc hike in DA for UP govt employees
Ahead of festive season, Uttar Pradesh government has approved a hike of seven per cent in dearness allowance to its employees on the lines of their counterparts in Central government. Read more details-
Dearness allowance to pensioners/family pensioners-Revision of rates
Sub:- Dearness allowance to pensioners/family pensioners-Revision of rates. Read:- 1) Government Order No.FD (Spl) 81 PEN 2012 dated 3rd May 2012. 2) Government Order No.FD (Spl) 100 PEN 2012 dated 17th May 2012. 3) Government Order No.FD 25 SRP 2012 dated 17th October 2012. GOVT. ORDER NO. FD (Spl) 229 PEN 2012 BANGALORE, DATED 25th […]