PROCEEDINGS OF THE GOVERNMENT Of KARNATAKA Sub: Implementation of HRMS system- Procedure for drawal of arrears of Compulsory Waiting period, Leave etc., of retired Govt. Servants – reg. Read: 1) Govt. Order No. FD 49 TAR 2011 dated:10-10-2011._.. 2) Govt. Order No_ FD 49 TAR 2011 dated: 16-07-2012. 3) Letter No.GM/Genl/C-25/2012-13/131 dated:10-09-2012 of Senior Accounts […]
karnataka orders new
Dearness allowance to pensioners/family pensioners-Revision of rates
Sub:- Dearness allowance to pensioners/family pensioners-Revision of rates. Read:- 1) Government Order No.FD (Spl) 81 PEN 2012 dated 3rd May 2012. 2) Government Order No.FD (Spl) 100 PEN 2012 dated 17th May 2012. 3) Government Order No.FD 25 SRP 2012 dated 17th October 2012. GOVT. ORDER NO. FD (Spl) 229 PEN 2012 BANGALORE, DATED 25th […]
Dearness Allowance to Teaching Staff on UGU/CAR/AICTE scales of pay and Judicial Officers on NJPC pay scales- Revision of rates
PROCEEDINGS OF THE GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA. Sub:-Dearness Allowance to Teaching Staff on UGU/CAR/AICTE scales of pay and Judicial Officers on NJPC pay scales- Revision of rates. READ: – (1) G.O. No. ED 37 -UNE 2009 dated 24-12-2009 (2) G.O. No. AHD 64 AUM 2009 dated 24-03-2010 (3) G.O. No. LAW 147 LAC 2009 dated 24-06-2010 […]
Grant of House Rent Allowance-Guidelines
PROCEEDINGS OF THE GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Sub: Grant of House Rent Allowance-Guidelines-reg. Read:- 1. G.O. No. FD 19 SRP 99, dated: 10.08.1999 2. G.O. No. FD 14 SRP 2002, dated: 12.04.2002 3. G.O. No. FD 10 SRP 2000, dated: 09.04.2003 4. G.O. No. FD 4 SRP 2009, dated: 31.10.2009 5. G.O. No. FD 29 SRP […]
Encashment of difference of E.L at the credit of the Government servants in case of retirement on or after 01.04.2012 Clarification -reg
GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA No. FD 8 SRS 2012 Karnataka Government Secretariat Vidhana Soudha, Bangalore, dated:31.08.2012 CIRCULAR Sub: Encashment of difference of E.L at the credit of the Government servants in case of retirement on or after 01.04.2012 Clarification -reg Ref: G.O.No. FD 5 SRS 2012 dated: 14.06.2012. According to the G.O. No. FD 5 […]