Upgraded Group ‘D’ posts in scale Rs 3050-4590 in Diesel/Electric Loco/EMU Sheds-reg..

Upgraded Group ‘D’ posts in scale Rs 3050-4590 in Diesel/Electric Loco/EMU Sheds-reg.

National Federation of Indian Railwaymen
Affiliated to:
Indian National Trade Union Congress (INTUC)
International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF)

No. I/8/CRC/09/Vol .9

Dated: 03/03/2014

The Secretary (E),
Railway Board
New Delhi

Dear Sir,

Sub;Upgraded Group ‘D’ posts in scale Rs 3050-4590 in Diesel/Electric Loco/EMU Sheds-reg..

Ref: (i) NFIR’s letter No. 118/CRC/09/Vol. 9 dated 21/11/2013.
(ii) Railway Board’s letter No. PC-III/2004/DC-JCMJ/11 dated 17/02/2014.

With reference to Railway Board’s reply vide letter dated 17/02/2014 NFIR once again desires to convey facts of the case as below for review:-

(i) Vide para (i) of the Board’s letter, it has been stated that the Railway Board vide its letter dated 28/09/1998, had specifically mentioned that there will be no consequent increase in the number of posts in the grades higher than Rs 3050-4590. NFIR is aware of this ‘rider” imposed by the Railway Board in the year 1998. However, on nine Zonal Railways, these posts were taken as part of cadre strength and granted cadre restructuring w.e.f. 1/11/2003 in diesel/electric Loco/EMU Sheds. Thus it become fate-accompli

(ii) When the Railway Board issued instructions to withdraw the benefit, Federations strongly had protested against such step, consequently the Zonal Railways have not reviewed wherever already implemented to avoid staff agitation.

(iii) Consequent to the implementation of 6th CPC pay structure (Grade Pay & Pay Band) w.e.f. 01/01/2006 the minimum educational qualification for entry into GP Rs 1800/- has been revised as matriculation or above. Whereas in the year 1998, the entry qualification in Diesel/Elec. Loco. EMU Sheds was reduced to 8th standard for Group D’ while placing 50% posts in pay scale Rs 3050-4590 to be filled by those staff who possessed Metric/Act Apprenticeship/ITI. From these facts, it could be seen that entry qualification for Group ‘D’ posts prior to September 1998 in Diesel/Electric Loco, EMU Sheds was Metric/ITI/Act Apprenticeship. Having allowed cadre restructuring from 01/11/2003 duly taking upgraded Helper posts into consideration and having granted benefit of restructuring/promotion with effect from November, 2003, it would be improper to quote Board’s letter dated 28/09/1998 for denying benefit. Railway Board instead sticking to illogical stand should realistically analyse the issue for rendering justice to the technical staff working in Diesel/Electric Loco/EMU Sheds. It may be noted that these staff belong to sensitive categories.

(iv) Incidentally, NFIR desires to point out that while in all Technical Departments, promotion quota for Technician Grade III has been 50%, surprisingly in of Diesel/Electric Loco/EMU Sheds. the promotion quota was only 20% thus career growth of Helpers was blocked since the past over 15 years.

(v) If the Railway Board is not satisfied with the valid points mentioned above, a meeting with the MM & ML may be arranged at the earliest. It may also be noted that there is atmosphere of agitation among staff of Diesel/Electric Loco/EMU Sheds against Board’s restructuring orders dated 08/10/2013, as on many zones, the staff may not get promotion benefit. NFIR is keen to avoid agitation and dislocation and equally expects the Railway Board to respond for resolving the issue.

Federation therefore requests to review the matter without delay.

Yours faithfully,

General Secretary


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