Railways : Permission/regularization of overstayed Railway accommodation in the wake of Covid-19

Permission/regularization of overstayed Railway accommodation in the wake of Covid-19

RBE No.55 /2021


No. E(G) 2021 RN 2-8 (COVID-19)

New Delhi, dated 26.07.2021

The General Manager/Director General
All Indian Railways/Production Units/RDSO-Lucknow .
(As per Standard mailing list)

Sub: Permission/regularization of overstayed Railway accommodation in the wake of Covid-19.

Railway Board have considered the representations received from officers/staff who could not vacate the Railway accommodation within the permitted period due to the prevailing pandemic or otherwise.

2. Keeping in view the extenuating circumstances which has posed numerous difficulties for both Staff and Officers to vacate their accommodation timely due to non-availability of resources or any other reason which is beyond their control, it is decided that the existing powers ‘avested with the Genera! Managers to grant extension for a period of One year, an additional period of three months be delegated to permit/regularize accommodation for over and above the existing period, if such cases are justified in the respective cities/towns.

3. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.

Please acknowledge receipt.

(M.P. Meena )
Dy. Director Establishment (Genl)III
Railway Board

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