Railways – Revision of Channel of submission/level of Disposal of cases- Increasing efficiency in decision making in the Government

Revision of Channel of submission/level of Disposal of cases: Railway Board Order

भारत सरकार Government of India
रेल मंत्रालय Ministry of Railways
(रेलवे बोर्ड ) (Railway Board)

Office Order No 31 of 2021

Subject : Revision of Channel of submission/level of Disposal of cases- Increasing efficiency in decision making in the Government

Attention is invited to Office Order No.33 of 2018 (copy enclosed for ready reference) regarding consolidated guiding principles on Channel of Submission/Level of final disposal of cases in Board’s Office. Recently, Cabinet Secretary while drawing attention towards (vide his DO letter No, 502/2/2/2021-CA V dated 15.03.2021 ‘Minimum Government and Maximum Governance’ has emphasized on the need to review the current practices and procedural frameworks, level of disposal, channel of submission and existing delegations to speed up decision making. Specific attention has also been drawn to DAR&PG’s OM dated 12.03.2021 for initiating necessary action in the matter particularly towards revision of Level of Disposal and Channel of Submission.

2. In view of above and also taking into account rationalization of posts in operation in Board’s Office in recent past, all Directorates are requested to review and revise the Channel of Submission/level of disposal of cases being dealt with by them in accordance with Office Order 33 of 2018.

2.1 All Directorates may consider and initiate necessary action in this regard by further delegating powers, except where final disposal, requires approval of Board or is as per Codal provision.

3. The revised Channel of submission/level of final disposal duly approved by the Board may be uploaded subject wise on Railway Board’s website (https://indianrailways.gov.in/railwayboard/) under the link ‘About Indian Railways’ under respective Directorate ( through RBCC) duly also indicating the name, telephone number and e-mail id of the officer dealing with different subject in that unit.

3.1 A compliance/confirmation report as early as possible alongwith URL address indicating uploading of revised channel of submission may be e-mailed at vibhuti.singh@gov.in for advising DAR&PG as desired by them.

4. Strict compliance is solicited by all concerned.

Encl: as above
(B. Majumdar)
Joint Secretary/Railway Board


Government Of India
Ministry Of Railways
Railway Board

Office Order No.33 of 2018

Sub: Consolidated Instructions on Channels of File Submission

The multiple channels of file submission in Railway Board has been viewed adversely by Hon’ble MR

1.1 Attention is invited to Office Order Nos.. 87, 93 and 102 of 2017 on reducing number of layers in upward/ downward movement of files for ensuring expeditious decision making. Despite extant instructions, it has been observed that files are still being routed through several channels in a routine manner leading to delay in. disposal of .cases/decision. making. It has also been observed that files are getting routed through multiple personnel who are not able to make any value addition and perhaps, are endorsing a view in a routine manner, rather mechanically.

2. Accordingly, all concerned are advised to strictly adhere to instructions for minimum levels of movement of files. As a ready reckoner, the details of instructions issued in the past, on upward 86 downward movement of files.. with reduction in number of layers for decision making are enclosed at Annexure-I.

2.1 Board Members and Senior functionaries upto PED/ED level may ensure that files on important issues should move through a maximum of 5 levels before being put up for the decision of Railway Ministers,. This would require to be planned by each Directorate depending on their structure/needs so that, while speedy decision making is achieved, any necessary due. diligence is not lost sight of. Issues which do not require application of mind at intermediary levels should have even lesser levels involved in routing. the files.

3. The above norms are to be strictly complied with by all concerned for ensuring quick disposal of cases.

4.  This supersedes the Office Orders referred to in para. 1.1. above..

No.2017/0a6M/22/ 1

Dated:- 12.03.2018

(H. Mobarana)

Joint Secretary/Railway Board

All Officers and Branches in Board’s Office and at Metro Bhawan, Pragati Maidan.



A) For Upward Movement of Files/Cases

i) Maximum level of disposal after Section to Executive Director(ED) should be two with Executive Director as the third level of disposal, However, where time is the essence, the intervening levels may be reduced to one upto Executive Director depending on the distribution/delegation of work by the Executive Director to his/her subordinate officers.

ii) Joint Directors & Directors are to be treated as one functional level. Where both the posts are available, the work may be divided to go through either channel,

iii) Similarly, PED and AM may be treated as one level,

iv) Wherever the case requires approval from more than one Board Member, such approval of Board should be treated as one functional level. Similarly, where the case is routed through MoSRs to MR, such approval should also be treated as one level. In short, Board should be treated as one functional level and Minister as one level for the purpose of Channel of Submission of cases.

v) Board Members may consider and delegate certain powers to PED/AM (other than for Personnel, Stores and S84T Directorates) for final disposal where the case does not require approval of Board Member as Secretary to the Government of India or Board Member as per Codal provisions. Similarly, DG/RS, DG/Personnel and DG/Sea may consider and delegate certain powers to their PBDs/AMs for final disposal.

vi) Wherever consultation from several Directorates is involved for arriving at a decision, a meeting of the concerned EDs/Directors may be convened by the nodal ED by circulating a background paper and thereafter, based. on the minutes of the meeting, the file may be moved up by the Nodal ED.

vii) Cases where policy issues are involved or major executive decision are being taken should invariably be routed through Chairman, Railway Board before submission. to Hon’ble MR.

viii) All routine cases/briefs/factual data/replies to references from MPs/ IPs not involving policy issues, may be submitted directly to the Minister by the concerned Executive Director (by PED where ED is not available),

ix) All replies to Unstarred Parliament Questions /Assurances/Motions based on factual position and having no policy implication may be submitted to the Minister directly by AMs (PEDs where no AMs are available), However, depending upon the sensitivity of the issue, the Unstarred question may be routed through the concerned. Board Member.

B. Downward Movement of Files/Cases

i) If the proposal has been accepted by the accepting authority without any deviation, the file should be marked by the accepting authority to the level that initiated the note. In ease of deviation, the file should go down the normal route,

ii) After the return of the file to the official who was the first level of disposal, it would be the responsibility of that official to take necessary action without delay as per the approval accorded on the file and subsequently, apprise through appropriate means, the outcome on the file to all the officers, wherever necessary, who have been skipped in the downward movement of file.

C. Procedure for submission of cases/files requiring approval of Hon`ble Ministers

i) Files/cases/proposals which require approval of Hon’ble MR, in the first instance, be examined at all the concerned level and vetted by Finance, wherever required. For obtaining approval of the Minister, a brief self-contained proposal be put up giving all facts relevant to the case, including the views expressed by other Directorates/Officers, other Ministry/Ministries, if any, consulted in the matter.

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