Contribute Generously to Armed Forces Flag Day Fund



Wear the Flag with Pride Share the Spirit of Nationalism

A Day to Salute the Martyrs, Honour the Brave, Express Solidarity & Support, for the Welfare of Ex- Servicemen/ Widows/ their Dependents

Contribute Generously to
Armed Forces Flag Day Fund

Donations are exempted from income tax under section 10(23) (C) (IV) and under section 80G(5) (VI) of income tax act 1961

Your contribution supports the rehabilitation and resettlement of Ex-Servicemen and their widows/dependents.

Send Cheques! Draft to ARMED FORCES FLAG DAY FUND,

C/o Secretary Kendriya Sainik Board, Ministry of Defence, West Block- IV, RK Puram, New Delhi- 110066 or deposit directly in to the following Bank Accounts in favour of "Armed Forces Flag Day Fund"

(a)    Punjab National Bank NC No.- 3083000100179875
(b)    Oriental Bank of Commerce NC No. —08902041002185

Kendriya Sainik Board,
Deptt. of Ex. servicemen Welfare,
Ministry of Defence

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