Holding of Centralised Computer based examination – Railway

Holding of Centralised Computer based examination


Office of the Principal Chief Personnel Officer
Rail Sadan, IInd Floor, Bhubaneswar-751017

Estt. Srl. No. 138/2020

Date: 24.09.2020

Sub: Holding of Centralised Computer based examination for 70% selelctions and 30% LDCEs for promotion to Group ‘B’ posts in the Eight Organized services.

A copy of Railway Board’s Lr. No. E(GP)2018/2/31 Dated 21.09.2020 on the above quote subject is forwarded herewith for information. guidance and necessary action.

End: As above,

Chairman Railway Recruitment Cell
For Principal Chief Personnel Officer


No. E(GP)2018/2/31

New Delhi, dt: 21.09.2020

The General Managers,
All Indian Railways & Production Units

(Kind attn.: PCP0s/CP0s/PFAs)

Sub.: Holding of Centralised Computer based examinations for 70% Selections and 30% LDCEs for promotion to Group ‘B’ posts in the Eight Organized Services.

It is proposed to hold Centralised Computer based Objective type examinations for promotion to Group ‘B’ posts in the 8 departments having organized services w.e.f. vacancy cycle commencing from 1/1/2021. Kindly furnish the data in the following format to assess the logistics:

Department Tentative number of vacancies in the vacancy
cycle 01/01/2021 to 30/06/2023.
Tentative number of eligible employees
(as on 1.01.2021) in the vacancy cycle
01/01/2021 to 30/06/2023.
70% Selection               30% LOGE 70% Selection 30% LDCE
Civil Engg.
Traffic AOM
Traffic ACM

The numbers conveyed for 30% should be a projection based on previous years data.

2. It may also please be advised if any particular category of Gr.’C’ employees are eligible for appearing in the Selection/LDCE of more than one department like Chief Law Assistants, who are eligible for appearing in Selections/LDCEs for Group ‘B’ posts of APO and ACM and Ministerial staff of Stores department who are eligible for Gr.B selections of AMM and APO.

3. The aforementioned information may please be furnished to Board’s office latest by 30.09.2020.

(Anvita Sinha)
Director, Estt.(GC)
Railway Board.
e-mail degcrb@gmail.com

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