CPAO – Development of electronic system for processing & authorizing pension

Development of electronic system for processing and authorizing the pension

NEW DELHI-110066
PHONES: 26174596, 26174456, 26174438

CPAO/IT&Tech/Master Data/14.Vol-III (A)/2020-21/38

Dated 21.09.2020


Subject: Development of electronic system for processing and authorizing the pension

In the Central Civil Ministries two systems namely Bhavishya system developed by Department of Pension and Pensioners’ Welfare (I)P&PW) and Public Financial Management System (PFMS) developed by O/o the Controller General of Accounts are being used for Sanction of pension cases by the Heads of offices (HoOs) and Authorization of pension cases by the Pay and Accounts Offices (PAOs) respectively towards reaching the end goal of end to end digitization of pension.

2. The pension forms are filled by the pensioners electronically under Bhavishya System and are sent by the HoOs to the respective PAOs electronically. The PAOs of respective Ministries/Departments/Offices send the e-PPO (electronic pension payment order) to CPAO which in turn issues e–SSA (electronic special seal authority) and sends it to Pension Disbursing Banks for making the pension payments electronically.

3. A brief description of both the systems is as under:-

a) Bhavishya: This system provides online tracking of pension sanction and payment process by the individual as well as the administrative authorities. The system captures the pensioners personal and service particulars. The forms for processing of pension can be submitted online. It keeps retiring employees informed of the progress of pension sanction process through SMS/E-mail. The system obviates delays in payment of pension by ensuring complete transparency.
b) PFMS: Bhavishya is integrated with the Pension module of PFMS and all the data forward through Bhavishya appear in the Pension module of PFMS. After verifying all the details by the concerned PAO and the e-ppo is prepared and this e-ppo is transmitted to the CPAO electronically after digitally signing ii.

4. As you are aware that the postal services in the country are not working at their full strength due to the COVID-19 pandemic which is delaying in finalization of pension cases. It is also mentioned that during this pandemic, the movement of physical papers may be avoided to contain the spread of the disease.

5. Keeping in view of the facts mentioned above, it is suggested that your department may also initiate the process for electronic submission of pension documents for sanction and authorization of pension as being done in the Central Civil Ministries for the pensioners covered under CCS (Pension) Rules. This will make the Life of the pensioners very easy, reduce unnecessary use of paper and data entry at various levels and ensure speedy processing and payment of pension. This will be a big reform under the aegis of Digital India mission as envisaged by Hon’ble Prime Minister of India.

6. The system can be developed by your departments as per the applicable pension rules or the existing systems of Bhavishya and PFMS may be customized as per the needs of your Department/Office for sanctioning and authorizing the pension cases and its onward transmission to CPAO electronically. If required, the technical teams of DP&PW and CGA will provide all necessary technical support.

This issues with the approval of the Chief Controller of Pensions.

(Md. Shahid Kamal Ansari)
(Dy. Controller of Accounts)

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