AIRF requested not to call 100% staff to attend the workplace in Eastern Railway

100% attendance & horrific incidences of the COVID-19 positive cases in P. Way and Workshops in Eastern Railway

No.AIRF/19 Dated: August 11, 2020

The D.G.(H.R.),
Railway Board,
New Delhi

Dear Sir,

Sub: 100% attendance and horrific incidences of the COVID-19 positive cases in P. Way and Workshops in Eastern Railway

As you are very well aware that; the number of COVID-19 positive cases is increasing very fast during the recent few days in the entire country. Railwaymen are also being detected COVID positive and there have been substantial casualties of the Railwaymen on this account due to this pandemic threat. It may also be appreciated that, in the absence of any proper treatment or availability of vaccination to check transmission of this disease, the only way out is social distancing, use of proper mask and sanitization etc. at the workplaces.

Complaints are pouring in this office that, over the Indian Railways, some of the Railway Administrations in general and Eastern Railway in particular are compelling P. Way and Workshop Staff for 100% attendance, which is a sheer violation of the guidelines of the Ministry of Home Affairs and Ministry of Health and Family Welfare to avoid gathering or overcrowding of the Railwaymen. This is causing rapid transmission of Coronavirus among the concerned staff, and ironically enough, substantial number of them are also losing their lives on this account. This is happening in some of the Zonal Railways and Production Units, and particularly in Eastern Railway.

It would, therefore, be highly appreciated if your goodself may kindly look into the matter on priority and issue necessary instructions to Eastern Railway and other Railway Administrations not to call 100% staff to attend the workplace, so that, transmission/threat of the COVID-19 could be avoided in the larger interest of safety of Railwaymen in this pandemic time.

An early action in the matter shall be highly appreciated.

Yours sincerely

(General Secretary)


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