Providing support to discharge essential services during Covid 19 Outbreak

Providing support to discharge essential services during Covid 19 Outbreak


24th March, 2020

Dear Secretary,

I am enclosing a copy of O.M. No. 23(4)E.Coord/ 2020 in which it has been made clear that the functioning of the Government Expenditure system constitutes an essential service. In particular, it has been prescribed that Integrated Finance Division and the offices of CCA shall continue to function.

I request you to kindly extend your support to the staff of the IFD/CCA during this period. They may be provided with such amenities as may be necessary, including transportation, at Government cost to enable them to discharge their functions. They may also be issued authorization letter stating that they are performing essential services so that the same can be shown to law enforcement agencies, if required.

With regards,

Yours sincerely,

(T.V. Somanathan)

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