Extending the validity period of CCPs issued to the recipients of PPMG & PMG Awardees

Extending the validity period of CCPs issued to the recipients of PPMG & PMG Awardees

Government of India
Ministry of Railways
(Railway Board)


New Delhi, dated: 11.12.2019

The General Manager(P),
All Zonal Railways.

Sub: Extension of validity period of Complimentary Card Passes (CCPs) issued to the recipients of President’s Police Medal for Gallantry (PPMG) and Police Medal for Gallantry (PMG) Awardees

Please refer to Board’s letters dated 23.02.1996, 29.10.1996, 06.10.2004, 01.04.2013 and 22.07.2013 regarding grant of facility of 1st Class/2nd AC CCPs to the recipients of PPMG and PMG Awardees with a validity period of one year from the date of issue.

Ministry of Railways (Railway Board) have now decided that CCPs issued to aforementioned recipients will be valid for period of two years from the date of issue of CCPs. All other terms and conditions will remain the same.

Please acknowledge receipt.

(Ashutosh Garg)
Dy. Director Estt.(Welfare)II
Railway Board

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