Use of Official Car for personal Purpose-CGDA

Controller General Of Defence Accounts
Ulan Batar Road,Delhi Cantt -110010


AN/XIV/14162/VIth CPC/Circular/Vol-IV                                                       dated 8/10/2012


2. .Admin IV (local)
(Through CGDA Mail server).

Sub: Use of Official Car for personal Purpose.

The under signed is directed to refer M.O.F (Dep of Expdr ) O.M No 21(2) 2008-E II (B) dated 29/8/2008, wherein it is stipulated that officers drawing grade pay of Rs 10000/-and 12000/- and those in the HAG+ scale who are entitled to the use of official car in terms of OM number 20(5) E-I (A)/93 dated 28/ 1/1994, shall be given. the option to
avail of the existing facility or to draw the transport allowance at the rate. of Rs 7000/- per month plus dearness allowance thereon.

2.The above facility /option is however not applicable in case of officers drawing grade pay below Rs 10000/- and should therefore not be extended in such cases.

3. This may be noted for strict compliance.


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