International day of struggle for the rights of pensioners and retired people – 01/10/2019

International day of struggle for the rights of pensioners and retired people 01/10/2019

  1. The UN (United Nations’) International Day of Older Persons is celebrated annually on October 1 to recognize the contributions of older persons and to examine issues that affect their lives. This is a special day for older persons or senior citizens all over the world. In many countries, politicians make speeches, particularly those responsible for government departments that focus on senior citizens, at this time Specifically.

    This day include other activities like displays of promotional material on the International Day of Older Persons in schools, tertiary institutions, office buildings and public notice boards;  media announcements on the day and activities that promote older persons; and inter-generational cooperation on voluntary activities focused on the environment, health, education or community services.

    In 1991 the UN General Assembly adopted the United Nations Principles for Older Persons. In 2002 the second World Assembly on Ageing adopted the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing to respond to the opportunities and challenges of population ageing in the 21st century and to promote the development of a society for all ages


In the name of capitalist competition, retired people and pensioners around the world are suffering the worsening of their living conditions and those of their descendants, while social goods are commercialized.

Against all this, For the requirement of a decent life based on the wealth, October 1st 2019 is “the International day of fight for the rights of the pensioners”. It become a global day of struggle against exploitation, oppression, poverty, war or calamities.

All this is complemented by new concessions to the big capital, through privatizations, of important sectors of the economy, in energy, transport, water, natural resources, and new tax exemptions.

In the name of capitalist competitiveness, pensioners and retirees throughout the world are experiencing the worsening of their lives and the lives of their children. Their pensions are cut, health benefits are reduced and privatized, social structures dissolve, their rights are generally restricted.

We strive for free and public social security, medical care and pharmaceutical assistance for all, without conditions or requirements. We will claim the right to public and enough pensions, reducing the age limit for men, and setting them earlier for women. Pensions must meet our current needs, so we may live a life with dignity. For social benefits, housing, clean water and leisure, public, free and quality.

Fighting for:
1) The universal right for a pension.
2) To reduce the retirement age for men and much more for women.
3) Public and free of charges Social Security.
4) Public and free of charge medical and pharmacy assistance for everybody, without limitations and/or restrictions.
5) Public pensions enough to guarantee our current needs in order to have a dignified life (Social support, proper housing, fresh water, medical care, public, free and accessible means of transportation and leisure.

Lets all make it success.

International day of struggle for the rights of pensioners and retired people 01/10/2019

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