Equal pay for Equal work’ for Casual Workers: Compliance with Hon’ble Courts’ Judgments thereon

Equal pay for Equal work’ for Casual Workers: Compliance with Hon’ble Courts’ Judgments thereon

No.W-02/0038/2019-DPE (WC)-GL- XVIII/19
Government of India
Ministry of Heavy Industries & Public Enterprises
Department of Public Enterprises

Public Enterprises Bhawan,
Block No.14, CGO Complex,
Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003.
Dated, the 13th September, 2019


Equal pay for Equal work’ for Casual Workers: Compliance with Hon’ble Courts’ Judgments thereon-reg.

On the above subject, the undersigned is directed to refer to various instructions issued by the Hon’ble Supreme Court and also to the DOPT’s OM dated 49014/1/2017-Estt.(C) pt. dated 04′ September, 2019.

  1. The following provisions are hereby extended to casual worker/daily wager employed by Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs):

i. Where the nature of work entrusted to the casual workers and regular employees is the same, the casual workers may be paid at the rate of 1/30th of the pay at the minimum of the relevant pay scale plus dearness allowance for work of 8 hours a day.

ii In cases where the work done by a casual worker is different from the work done by a regular employee, the casual worker may be paid only the minimum wages notified by the Ministry of Labour & Employment or the state Government/Union Territory Administration, whichever is higher as per the Minimum Wage Act, 1948.

iii. Persons on daily wages (casual workers) should not be recruited for work of regular nature.

  1. All CEOs of CPSEs and administrative Ministries/Departments are requested to ensure strict compliance of the above provisions.

(Naresh Kumar)
Under Secretary
All administrative Ministries/Departments of the Government of India.

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