Selection to Group ‘C’ posts in Railways -RBE No.117/2019

Selection to Group ‘C’ posts in Railways -RBE No.117/2019

RBE No.117/2019


No.E(NG)I-2019/PM 1/25

New Delhi, dated July 23, 2019

The General Managers,
All Indian Railways & PUs etc.,
(As per standard list).

Sub: Selection to Group ‘C’ posts in Railways.

The following clarification has been sought by one of the Zonal Railways in the context of selection for Group ‘C’ posts where some candidates who had opted to write the examination in English medium had switched over to Hindi medium midway:-

(i) Whether to evaluate such answer books?

(ii) If yes, how to award marks by the evaluator? Whether to evaluate only that part of the answer book written in the opted medium or the complete booklet. :

The matter has been examined in this office and it is clarified that in all such cases where a candidate switches his medium of writing beyond his opted medium, the answers written in other than the opted medium need not be given credit. The only exception is where Hindi is opted and technical words/phrases are written in English.

In any case, with objective type papers fully in place now for Non-Gazetted departmental selection and to a great extent for Gazetted (Group-B), problems arising out of this issue are likely to be minimal now.

This disposes off South Western Railway’s letter No. CPO/SWR/Confidential/SDGM Ref. dated 28.07.2016 and 12.11.2018.

(D. Joseph)
Joint Director /Estt.(N)
Railway Board

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