Safety precautions at Worksites – Railways

Safety precautions at Worksites – Railways



New Delhi, dated 06.11.2018

General Managers.
AU Zonal Railways

Sub: Safety precautions at Worksites.

There have been instances where railway staff while working on track got run over. The matter has been viewed very seriously by Board (ORB) and desire that following instructions should be ensured:

  1. Maintenance work on track to be done only after ensuring proper protection of track/worksite as per laid down instructions. Wherever required a staff should be posted for lookout duty.
  2. No supervisor or staff should be forced to do maintenance work without protection of track/worksite.
  3. No harassment of staff or supervisor for putting banner flag for safety reasons.
  4. Violations, if any, should be monitored and severe action should be taken against defaulters.

CRB desires that violation of above instructions should be treated very seriously. Action Taken by the railways should be advised to this office for appraisal of Board (CRB).

(R C Thakur)
Executive Director Civil Engineering (P)
Railway Board

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