Cashless Service for RELHS Card Holder to take treatment in Recognized Private Hospitals in emergency


No.2007/H/28/1/RELHS/Smart Card New Delhi, Dated 18.07.2012

General Manager,
All Indian Railways
(including Production Units)

Sub: Cashless Service for RELHS Card Holder to take treatment in Recognized Private Hospitals in emergency.

In an endeavour to alleviate the problems faced by the Sr. Citizens in getting treatment in emergency, a cashless service for RELHS card holders to take treatment in recognized private hospitals of National Capital Region was introduced by Northern Railway vide Board’s letter of even no. dated 29.02.2008 as a Pilot Project. The scheme was subsequently extended by one year each on two occasions i.e. up to 20.08.2011 vide Board’s letters of even no. dated 13.11.2009 and 27.01.2011.

The issue of extension of the scheme or otherwise was under consideration in the Ministry of Railways for sometime. The Competent Authority in the Ministry of Railways after careful consideration in the matter, has decided to extend the facility till further orders for RELHS beneficiaries to take care of their health care needs in an acute emergency. This scheme will now be available in all Metros, State Capitals and Zonal Headquarters of the Indian Railways. Detailed guidelines on the subject attached.

This issues with the concurrence of Finance Directorate in the Ministry of Railways.

(Dr. D.P. Pande)
Executive Director, Health (P)
Railway Board

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