Health Insurance Scheme for the Central Government employees and pensioners

Extension of CGHS services in non CGHS areas

Will the Minister of HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE be pleased to state:

(a) the healthcare facilities available for serving Central Government employees and pensioners in the States/cities where CGHS Dispensary facilities are not available;

(b) the scheme of the Central Government to provide health care facilities to them in view of the fact that large number of Central Government employees settle down in different parts of the country; and

(c) in absence of such arrangements, so far, whether Government is formulating any scheme?


(a) & (b):    The serving Central Government employees in non-CGHS areas are provided healthcare facilities under CS(MA) Rules, 1944. Pensioners are not covered under these Rules. They are, however, entitled for the Fixed Medical Allowance of Rs. 300 per month. The pensioners residing in non-CGHS areas have the option to become a CGHS member in any CGHS covered city of their choice to avail the medical facilities under the Scheme.

(c):    Yes. The Government is contemplating introduction of a Health Insurance Scheme for the Central Government employees and pensioners with special focus on Non-CGHS areas.


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