Clarification on Interest-Free Advances

Controller General   Of  Defence Accounts
Ulan Batar  Road ,Palam,Delhi Cantt-110 010

No .AN/vii/7228/budget orders                                       Dated 23.9.2011 


The PCA (fys) Kolkata

Sub:  Increase in quantum of various advances   admissible to the government servants on implementation of sixth CPC recommendation in relation to increase of dearness allowance by 50%

A number of telephonic references have been received from PCsDA/CsDA regarding increase in quantum of various advance (viz bi-cycle advance, warm clothing advance festival  advance and natural calamity advance )admissible to the government servants (namely dad personnel) on implementation of sixth cpc recommendation in relation to increase of dearness allowance by 50%

2. In this context ,your attention is invited to para 4 of of ministry of finance ,department of expenditure, OM No.12(1)/E.II(A)/2008  dated 7.10.2008 (copy enclosed which stipulates that the rate of these advance shall be automatically increased by 25% every time the dearness allowance payable on revised pay bands increase by 50%

3. In view of the above , it requested to take action accordingly

(Susheel  Koul)

No. 12(1 )IE.II(A)12008  
Government of India  
Ministry of Finance  
Department of Expenditure  
E.II(A) Branch

New Delhi, the 7th October, 2008


Subject: Grant of advances Sixth Pay Commission recommendations- Amendment to Rules 31, 35, 38,53,58,66 of Compendium of Rules on Advances to Government Servants 

The undersigned is directed to say that in pursuance of the decision taken by the Government on the Sixth Pay Commissions recommendations relating to advances, the existing provisions of Compendium of Rules on Advances,66— relating to advances for purchase of bicycle, warm clothing, table fan and advances for festival and natural calamity are amended as per the amendments attached 

2. These orders wilt take effect from the date of issue. The cases where the advances have already been sanctioned need not be reopened 

3 The advance for purchase of table fan will stand discontinued. The advances for purchase of warm clothing and bicycle granted/sanctioned after issue of this order shalt be treated as interest free advances 

4 The rates of these advances shall be increased by 25% every time dearness allowance on revised pay bands increases by 50% 

5. In so far as persons serving in Indian Audit and Accounts Department are concerned. these orders issue in consultation with the Comptroller and Auditor General of India 

6. All the Ministries/Departments are requested to bring the amendments to the notice of all its attached and subordinate offices for their information 

7. Hindi version of this O.M will follow.

(Suchindra Misra)  



RULE 31 

(a)ln thc opening clause indicating eligibility, for the words and figures “whose basic pay and dearness pay taken together does not exceed Rs.7. 500 (Rupees Seven thousand five hundred) per month”, the words and figures “whose grade pay does not exceed Rs.2. 800/- ( Rupees Two thousand eight hundred)”. shall be substituted. 

(b) In proviso (i) relating to amount of advance admissible, for the words “shall not exceed Rs.l .500 ( Rupees One thousand five hundred)”, the words and figures. “shall not exceed Rs.3000/- (Rupees Three thousand)”, shall be substituted. 

(c) Proviso (iii) relating to recovery of interest has been deleted. 


RULE. 35 

In Rule 35 relating to amount of Warm Clothing Advance admissible, for the words “shall not exceed Rs.l,5001- (Rupees One thousand five hundred)”, the words and figures, “shall not exceed R.s.3,000/- (Rupees Three thousand )“, shall be substituted. 

Rule 38 relating to recovery of interest has been deleted. 


RULE. 53 

In Rule 53. in clause relating to eligibility for Festival Advance, for the words and figures basic pay and dearness pay taken together does not exceed Rs.l2,450 (Rupees Twelve thousand four hundred and fifty) per month”, the words and figures” whose Grade pay does not exceeds Rs.4800/- (Rupees Four thousand eight hundred)” shall be substituted. 


In Rule 58 relating to amount of Festival Advance admissible, for the words “shall not exceed Rs.l500 (Rupees One thousand five hundred)”, the words and figures “shall not exceed Rs.3.000/- (Rupees Three thousand )“. shall be substituted. 


RULE 66 

In Rule 66 relating to amount of Natural Calamity Advance admissible, for the words “shall not exceed Rs.2,500/- (Rupees Two thousand five hundred)”, the words and figures” shall not exceed Rs.5.000 (Rupees Five thousand)”, shall be substituted. 

Note: I Rule 38F A- 38F relating to Table Fan Advance deleted. 

II The rates of these advances shall be increased by 25% whenever the Dearness Allowance payable on revised pay structure goes up by 50% 

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