NFIR – Upgradation of posts in Railways recommended by 7th CPC – clearance of DoP&T and MoF

NFIR – Upgradation of posts in Railways recommended by 7th CPC — clearance of DoP&T and MoF

No.IV/NFIR/7th CPC/ (Imp)/2016/R.B./Pt.II

Dated: 29/01/2018

The Secretary (E),
Railway Board,
New Delhi

Dear Sir,

Sub: Upgradation of posts in Railways recommended by 7th CPC — clearance of DoP&T and MoF— reg.

Ref: (i)NFIR’s PNM item No.13/2017.

(ii)Railway Board’s file No.PC-VII/2016/RSRP/2-RBE No.93/2016 dated 02/08/2016 to GMs etc.,

(iii)NFIR’s letter No.IV/NFIR/7th CPC(Imp)/2016/R.B. dated 12/09/2016. 30/09/2016, 15/11/2016 & 28/11/2016.


Federation invites kind attention of the Railway Board to the PNM item No.13/2017 relating to upgradation of the following posts in Railways :-

The subject was discussed in the NFIR’s PNM meeting held with the Railway Board on 13/14.11.2017, consequently the Railway Board had stated as follows:-

“Ministry of Finance to whom the matter was referred to for a decision, as now referred it back to DoP&T. The railways are awaiting decision of the Government on the proposal sent by the Railway Ministry”.

The Federation had however requested the Railway Board to pursue vigorously with the concerned Ministries/Department for obtaining clearance for implementation of the recommendations of 7th CPC in toto. Federation is disappointed to state that though more than two months passed, the subject continues to remain pending, leading to staff resentment against casual approach on 7th CPC recommendation.

NFIR therefore urges on the Railway Board to kindly expedite for obtaining clearance for upgrading the posts in the above categories.

Yours faithfully,
(Dr M. Raghavaiah),
General Secretary

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