National Anomaly Committee – NCJCM Meeting on 14th December 2017

National Anomaly Committee – NCJCM Meeting on 14th December 2017

No NAC/2017

Dated December 9 2017

Members of the Standing Committee
of NC/JCM(Staff Side)

Dear Comrades!

Sub: National Anomaly Committee

A reference has been received from the DoP&T (Government of India). wherein they have put an objection to our agenda we have submitted to the National Anomaly Committee.

To give them a proper reply, it would be in all appropriateness that Standing Committee Members of the National Council (JCM)(Staff Side), available in Delhi. should meet on 14th December, 2017 at 13:00 hrs. in JCM Office, 13-C, Ferozshah Road, New Delhi, to discuss and decide the strategy.

With Best Wishes!

Comradely yours
(Shiva Gopal Mishra)

Source : confederationhq

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