Updated Policy on Leave and Training Periods in APAR Evaluation

The Government of India, Ministry of Railways, has issued a notification to all General Managers of Indian Railways and other concerned entities regarding the computation of the minimum requisite period of 90 days for writing the Annual Performance Appraisal Report (APAR).

According to existing instructions, the authorities responsible for reporting, reviewing, and accepting the APAR must have at least 90 days of experience supervising the work and conduct of the subordinate officer. Currently, even a day or two of leave or training period is considered and deducted from the total period spent on the post when calculating the 90-day requirement.

Treating the period of Earned Leave/training for computation of minimum requisite period of 90 days for writing the APAR


No. 2021/SCC/03/10

Dated: of 01.05.23

The General Managers,
All indian Railways, PUs, etc.

Sub: Treating the period of Earned Leave/training for computation of minimum requisite period of 90 days for writing the APAR.

As per the existing instructions, the Reporting, Reviewing and Accepting Authorities are required to have at least 90 days experience of supervising the work and conduct of a subordinate officer to record their assessment in his APAR. As per present practice, while computing the period of 90 days, the leave/training period of even a day or two is taken into account and deducted from the total period spent on the post.

  1. This issue has been considered by the Board and it has now been decided that where the officer reported upon or the Reporting/Reviewing/ Accepting officer has been on leave/training, etc. for a period of more than 15 days at a time during the period of the APAR, the total period spent on leave/training may be deducted from the total period spent on the post, for purposes of computing the minimum requisite period of 90 days for writing the entries in the APAR. However, where such period of leave/training is 15 days or less at a time, the same will not be taken into account while computing the minimum requisite period of 90 days for writing the APAR.
  2. The above guidelines will be applicable from the reporting period 2022-23 onwards. The APARs already written need not be amended/re-written on the basis of new guidelines mentioned above.
  3. This should be brought into the notice of all concerned.

(Ravi Shekhar)
Railway Board

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