Due date Extension for finalization of e-APARs of 2020-21 & 2021-22 through HRMS

Extending a last opportunity for finalizing the pending APARs


No. PC-VII/2020/HRMS/23

New Delhi, dated: 23.12.2022

The Principal Chief Personnel Officers
All Indian Railways/PUs
(As per standard mailing list)

Sub: Extension of date for finalization of e APARs of 2020-21 & 2021-22 through HRMS – reg
The progress of finalization of e-APARs through APAR module of HRMS has been reviewed subsequent to the expiry of the due date for finalization of e-APARs. The pendency of APARs for years 2020-21 & 2021-22 as obtained from CRIS is enclosed as annexure-A.

  1. It has been observed that despite the extension of due date for finalization of e- APARs several times, considerable number of APARs are pending at various stages in spite of addressing the server related issues and ensuring the functioning of module round the clock. Further, several requests have been received in Board’s Office requesting for opening the window again.
  2. Considering these requests, it has been decided by the Competent Authority to extend a last opportunity for finalizing the pending APARs as indicated below:-
Reporting/ Reviewing/ AcceptingReviewing/ AcceptingAccepting
Deadline26-31 December, 202201-05 January, 202306-10 January, 2023
  1. It is advised that the concerned officials dealing with APARs may make all the efforts to precisely identify the officials with whom the APARs are pending and ensure the completion within the stipulated time and a compliance report may be furnished to Board in this regard. It may be noted that pendency of APARs even after this deadline will be viewed seriously and pendency report officer wise generated by system will be sent to the controlling officers for fixing responsibility.

Encl. As above

(Garima Srivastava)
Executive Director, Training & MPP
Railway Board
Room No.303, Rail Bhawan


YearTotal Number of e-APAR FinalisedNumber of APARs pending

Source: digitalscr.in

Finalization of e-APARs of 2020-21 & 2021-22 through HRMS

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