Pay Revision 2009 – Representations/requests for clarifications and rectifications of anomalies – Mode of submission-Instructions issued.


Finance (Anomaly Rectification Cell-C) Department


No.29/2011/Fin.                                                    Dated, Thiruvananthapuram, 26.05.2011

Sub: – Pay Revision 2009 – Representations/requests for clarifications and rectifications of anomalies – Mode of submission-Instructions issued.

Ref: –
   (1) GO (P) NO.85/2011/Fin dated 26.02.2011
   (2) GO (P) No.143/2011/Fin dated 30.03.2011
   (3) GO (P) No.86/2011/Fin dated 26.02.2011
   (4) GO (P) NO.144/2011/Fin dated 30.03.2011

   Government, as per the references cited, have issued orders revising Pay and Allowances of State Government employees, staff of educational institutions, teachers,University employees etc. A large number of representations from individuals and service organizations for rectifications of anomalies and several requests from Heads of Offices for clarifications are being received directly in Finance Department. These proposals lack necessary supporting details causing much difficulties in the proper examination of the issues contained.

   2. It is, therefore, clarified that requests from Heads of Offices for clarifications relating to the 9th Pay Revision Order and individual demands should be forwarded to Finance Department only through the Heads of Departments and the Administrative Departments concerned along with specific recommendations and all relevant documents including Special Rules, if any. The requests from Heads of Offices and individuals contrary to the above will not be entertained by the Government

By Order of the Governor

Additional Secretary (Finance)


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