Fixed Monetary Compensation

Fixed Monetary Compensation

Fixed Monetary Compensation is granted in Department of Posts to Postmen for performing the duties of an absentee postman. The present rates are as follows:

When One Postman performs duty of an absentee Postman by combination of duties

₹50 per day

When two Postmen perform duty of an absentee Postman by sharing the beat

₹24 per day


The Commission has received representations regarding increase of rates and parity in the payment of these allowances.

Analysis and Recommendations

 In general, Central Government employees are governed by FR-49 for regulations concerning combination of appointments. If formally appointed to hold dual charge of a higher post, they are entitled to the pay admissible in the higher post. However, no additional remuneration is admissible if the employee is appointed to hold dual charge of a post carrying a scale of pay identical to his own.


Railway servants are governed by Paras 645-649 of Indian Railway Establishment Manual (Vol.I). For holding formal charge of a higher post, they are also entitled to draw the pay admissible in the higher post. In addition, they are eligible to draw a Dual Charge Allowance at the rate of 10 percent of their Basic Pay for holding formal charge of an identical level post, which is not permissible to employees governed by FR-49.


 JCOs in the Defence Services are granted Acting Allowance, while Postmen are entitled to Fixed Monetary Compensation for holding additional charge.

 The Commission is of the view that there is a case for uniformly compensating employees if they perform additional duty in addition to their own. Also, this compensation should be a percentage of the Basic Pay of the employee since the value of time devoted for this “second” job differs with the rank of employee. At the same time, proper safeguards should also be put in place so that such arrangements, are not continued for extensive lengths of time.

 As such, we recommend that the allowances mentioned above should be covered under a new Additional Post Allowance, to be administered as under:

 Additional Post Allowance

a. An employee formally appointed to hold full charge of the duties of a higher post, in addition to the duties of his own post, will be entitled to draw the pay that would be admissible to him if he was appointed to the higher post on regular basis OR 10 percent of his present Basic Pay per month, whichever is higher, as Additional Post Allowance, provided the sum total of his Basic Pay and Additional Post Allowance does not exceed the Apex Pay

b.An employee formally appointed to hold full charge of the duties of a post on similar level as his own, in addition to the duties of his own post, will be entitled to draw 10 percent of his present Basic Pay per month as Additional Post Allowance, provided the sum total of his Basic Pay and Additional Post Allowance does not exceed the Apex Scale.

c. No Additional Post Allowance should be paid to an employee who is appointed to hold current charge or the routine duties of an additional post, irrespective of the duration of the current charge.

d. The allowance will be admissible only if the duration of additional charge exceeds 45 days.

e. This arrangement cannot continue for a particular vacant post for more than 1 year, and for a particular employee for more than 6 months at a stretch. In addition, there shall be a minimum gap of 1 year between two such successive appointments of a particular employee.

f. The above provisions will not be applicable for postman/postmen who perform the duty of an absentee postman. For one postman performing the duties of an absentee postman, he shall be paid 10 percent of his Basic Pay per month as Additional Post Allowance, while for two postmen sharing beats to perform the duties of an absentee postman, each shall be paid 5 percent of his Basic Pay per month as Additional Post Allowance.

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