First Meeting of Departmental Anomaly Committee (DAC) to settle the anomalies arising out of the implementation of 7th CPC — Change in date or Meeting

First Meeting of Departmental Anomaly Committee (DAC) to settle the anomalies arising out of the implementation of 7th CPC — Change in date or Meeting


No. PC-VII/2016/DAC/1

New Delhi,
dated : 12..06.2017

The General Secretary,
All India Railwaymen’s Federation 4. State Entry Road,
New Delhi — 110055.

The General Secretary National Federation of Indian Railwaymen,
3-Chernsford Road,
New Delhi 110055.

Dear Sirs,

Sub: First Meeting of Departmental Anomaly Committee (DAC) to settle the anomalies arising out of the implementation of 7th CPC — Change in date or Meeting regarding.

1 am directed to bring to your kind attention to Board’s letter No. PC­V1112016/DAC/1 dated 06.06.2016 wherein it was decided to hold first meeting of DAC on 23.06.2017. 1-lowever. the date and time of holding the first meeting of DAC has now been revised to 20.06.2017, 11.00 A.M. in consultation with Federations. Venue of the Meeting will remain same,

Yours sincerely,
For Secretary Railway Board

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