GS/NFIR Writes to Shri Suresh Prabhu Minister of Railways, protesting against Railway Board’s Decision vide Lr No 2017/E(LR)III/Ref/RB /1 dated 30/01/2017

GS/NFIR Writes to Shri Suresh Prabhu Minister of Railways, protesting against Railway Board’s Decision vide Lr No 2017/E(LR)III/Ref/RB /1 dated 30/01/2017


Registration No. : RTU/Nnn/31/2012

National Federation of Indian Railwaymen
Affiliated to :
Indian National Trade Union Congress (INTUC)
International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF)

No. IV/1/Part III

Dated: 2nd Feb, 2017

The Chairman
Railway Board
New Delhi

Dear Sir,
Sub: Measures to improve safety on Indian Railways — reg.
Ref: Railway Board’s letter No. 2017/E(LR)III/Ref/RB/1 dated 30/01/2017 addressed to GMs of Zonal Railways, copy endorsed to the Federations.


          NFIR at the outset expresses its serious disappointment over Railway Board’s letter dated 30th January 2017 as the contents of the letter convey that an impression has been gained by the Railway Administration that the “Supervisory Officials who happen to be the Office Bearers of the unions are more involved in Trade Union working and are less devoted to their legitimate duties of running the system”.

2.      The observation vide para 3 of Board’s letter dated 30th January, 2017 that Office-Bearers of the Unions have to devote a substantial amount of time to attend to their additional responsibilities as Union Office Bearers is totally fabrication of truth. In fact such supervisors of safety category, first discharge their duties and at times they do not attend meetings or participate in the programmes as many of them come under “Excluded” category, expected to be available at all times for meeting administrative requirements.

3.    The Federation is pained to note that the Railway Board although aware of the loyalty and devotion of Rail workforce whether “Supervisory or Supervised” for running the complex system efficiently round the clock, has, of late developed doubts on their commitment without any valid ground. It is sad to note that the devotion of Supervisors has not been properly analyzed inspite of the fact that they never failed in their duties irrespective of their status as Union office — bearer or otherwise, although several short-comings exist in the system which are required to be addressed quickly.

4.   NFIR being a responsible Federation has always been extending support in ensuring disciplined and efficient working of employees of various categories whether they are Group ‘C’ or erstwhile Group `D’ (Supervisors or other than Supervisors). The objects of the NFIR as per its Constitution are:

(a) To develop among the railway employees a sense of responsibility towards industry and the nation.
(b) To raise the railway employees standard of efficiency and discipline.
(c) To secure increasing association of the railway employees in the administration of railways and their full participation in its control.

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