1st Floor, North Avenue PO Building, New Delhi — 110001

K. K. N. Kutty

Secretary General
M. Krishnan


Dated — 13.02.2016

The National Executive meeting of Confederation of Central Government Employees & Workers was held on 12.02.2016 at ITEF Head Quarters (Rajouri Garden) New Delhi under the presindentship of Corn. K. K. N. Kutty. After detailed deliberations on all agenda items, the meeting took the following decision.

  1. It is decided to make all out efforts to make the indefinite strike from 11th April 2016 a thundering success, as per the call of National Joint Council of Action (Railways, Defence, Postal & Confederation). The following decisions of theNJCA are ratified for successful implementation.
  • To serve indefinite strike notice on 11.03.2016.
  • To organise massive rally on 11.03.2016 at Jantar Mantar, New Delhi.
  • To organize massive rally at all state headquarters and major industrial centres during the month of March/April 2016, to be addressed by the National Leaders of all NJCA constitutent organsiations.
  • To observe 29th March 2016 as “Solidarity Day” throughout the country.
  • Indefinite strike from 11th April 2016.
  1. In each state head quarters, leadership level a joint meeting of Confederation should be organised during the month of March 2016. The following should participate in the joint meeting.
  • All office bearers and committee members of Confederation (C-O-Cs)state/District.
  • All state level office bearers and committee members of each affiliated unions/Associations/Federations.

All India office bearers (National Secretariat members) of Confederation will attend the meeting. The purpose of the meeting is to review seriously the preperations made in each state for successful implementation of the indefinite strike and also to chalk out further measures to overcome the weakness or deficiencies, if any, in each state. The state level C-O-C or the C-O-C functioning at the state headquarters is authorized to organize the meeting duly co-ordinating with all other C-O-Cs in the state and also with all affiliated organizations in the state.

The date on which the meeting is to be organised in each state and the names of the National Secretariat members attending the meeting are furnishing below

SI. State Date Place National   Secretariat   members attending
1. Andhra/Telangana 22.03.2016
Hyderabad M.                          Krishnan, V.    Nageshwar Rao, T.Narasimhan,    P.   Suresh,   B. Krishna Gaud, Usha Bonepalli
2. Assam 21.03.2016
Guwahati Pi jush Roy, Arup Chatterjee
3. Bihar 28.03.2016
Patna R. N. Parashar, Roopak Sarkar
4. Chattisgarh 22.03.2016
Raipur Giriraj Singh, Vrigu Bhattacharjee
5. Delhi 10.03.2016
New Delhi M. Krishnan, M. S. Raja, R. N. Parashar, Asok Kumar Kano jia
6. Gujarat 18.03.2016
Ahmedabad K. K. N. Kutty, R. N. Parashar
7. Haryana 28.03.2016
Ambala K. K. N. Kutty, Vrigu Bhattacharjee, R. Seethalakshmi
8. Himachal Pradesh 30.03.2016
Shimla M. S. Raja, R. Seethalakshmi
9. Jammu & Kashmir Will be
decided later
Srinagar K. K. N. Kutty or M. Krishnan
10. Jharkhand 15.03.2016
Ranchi Pi jush Roy, Arup Chatterjee
11. Karnataka 24.03.2016
Bangalore M.     Krishnan,      K.P.                         Rajagopal, T.Satyanarayana
12. Kerala 19.03.2016
Trivandrum M. Krishnan, K. P. Rajagopal
13. Madhya Pradesh 21.03.2016
Bhopal Giriraj Singh, T. K. R. Pillai, V. Purohit
14. Maharashtra 17.03.2016
Mumbai K. K. N. Kutty, R. N. Parashar, Nilesh D. Nasare, R. P. singh, K. V. Jayaraj, Ashok B. Saulankhe
15. North-East (all states) 22.03.2016
Shillong Pi jush Roy, Arup Chatterjee
16. Odisha 16.03.2016
Bhubaneshwar M. S. Raja, Giriraj Singh
17. Punjab 29.03.2016
Chandigarh K. K. N. Kutty, R. Seethalakshmi, Vrigu Bhattacharjee
18. Rajasthan 23.03.2016
Jaipur K.   K. N.Kutty,      M.                    S. Raja,R.Seethalakshmi
19. Tamilnadu 25.03.2016
Chennai M. Krishnan, Dural Pandian, G. Mani Achari, Venkata Subramanian
20. Uttar Pradesh 29.03.2016
Lucknow R. N. Parashar, M. S. Raja
21. Uttarakhand 28.03.2016
behradun Vrigu           Bhattacharjee,       Giriraj       Singh,Arup Chatterjee
22. West Bengal 26.03.2016
Kolkata M. Krishnan, Pi jush Roy, Roopak Sarkar

NB: – (i) The above decision should be strictly implemented (ii) If any change of date is required, it should be made only in consultation with the concerned National Secretariat member.

3. Managing bodies of all affiliated organizations should be convened immediately and planning should be made for effective implementation of the decision of NJCA and Confederation. Without convening the Managing body no effective planning is possible for any organization. Each organisation should undertake its own departmental wise campaign programme also.

4. Each affiliated organization should issue separate circular to their lower units informing the decisions of NJCA and Confederation and should instruct their lower units to implement the decision without fail. (It is reported in the National Executive meeting that General Secretaries of some of the affiliate are not issuing any instructions to their lower units and hence the lower units are not ready to implement the decision including strike). A copy of the circular issued to lower units should be sent to Confederation CHQ.

5. Each affiliated organisation should serve strike notice to their respective Departmental head on 11.03.2016. Copy of the strike notice should be sent to Confederation CHQ also. If any affiliated organisation fail to serve strike notice to their departmental head the issue regarding discontinuation of their affiliation will be decided in the next National Secretariat meeting.

6. It is decided to request the NJCA leadership to write letter to (1) all MPs of Loksabha and Rajyasabha (2) Chief Executives of all political parties, requesting their intervention in settlement of the Charter of demands submitted to Government. Press Conferences may also be held at all state headquarters on the day of the massive rally in each state.

7. All India Conference of Confederation It is decided to hold the National Conference of the Confederation from 26th to 28th August 2016 (three days) at Chennai (Tamilnadu). All India Women’s Convention will also be held along with the National Conference at Chennai on 27.08.2016 (Half day).
The delegate fee for the AIC is fixed at Rs.1000/- per delegate. All delegates including National Secretariat members (CHQ office bearers) should pay the delegate fee. The delegate fee for women’s Convention is fixed as Rs. 400/- If any lady comrade want to attend three days conference also as visitor, they should pay delegate fee of Rs.1000/. Visitors will be permitted on paying Rs.1000/- as visitor fee. The state C-O-C of Tamilnadu may commence the preparatory work for successful conduct of the AIC immediately.

8. The number of delegates eligible to attend the Conference will be decided based on the quota received for the last three years i.e; from May 2013 to March 2016 (after the last AIC to 31.03.2016). All affiliated organizations and COCs are requested to clear their full quota before 31.03.2016.

9. It is decided that the actual membership of each Union shall be declared by the Chief Executive of the organisation in the following proforma and sent to Confederation CHQ on or before 29.02.2016. Based on that membership quota is to be remitted for three years. QUOTA: ONE RUPEE PER YEAR PER MEMBER. It is further decided to write off (waive) the accumulated quota dues of all affiliates upto the last National Conference as a onetime measure.

10. It is decided that all affiliated organizations should clear their full quota for three years before 31.03.2016 WITHPUT FAIL. The address of the Financial Secretary and Bank Account Number is given below:

Com. Vrigu Bhattacharjee

Financial Secretary

Confederation of Central Government Employees & Workers

17/C, Kali Bari Marg, New Delhi – 110001 Mob: – 09868520926


Bank Account: Indian Overseas Bank, Gole Market Branch, New Delhi

Account No. – 084001000015586

IFS Code – IOBA0000840

11. It is decided to conduct the Two days All India Trade Union Workshop of Confederation at Dehradun (Uttarakhand) during the first half of June 2016. Dates and Number of delegates fixed for each affiliated organisation and C-O-C will be intimated shortly.

12. The National Executive Considered the application for grant of affiliation submitted by the following organizations and decided to grant affiliation.

(a) All India Navodaya Vidyalaya Staff Association (AINVSA) AINVSA CEC,Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya Post Mamnoor, Dist Warangal STATE: TELANGANA – 506166

General Secretary: Com. L. B. Reddy, Mob: 09494279001

(b) All India WPC & Monitoring Non-Gazetted Staff Union 7051/5, 3rd Floor, Mata Rameshwari Nehru Nagar, Karol Bagh New Delhi – 110005
General Secretary, Com. Ramanand Mob: 09540377009

13. Regarding 7th CPC related issues including proposed indefinite strike new developments may take place on any day. It will not be possible to intimate all those developments through circular. All Latest developments and news will be posted in Confederation website then and there. All Chief Executives of affiliated organizations and State/District C-O-Cs are requested to watch the Confederation website everyday. Website:


Yours fraternally,
(M. Krishnan)

Secretary General
Mob: 09447068125


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