Revision of Pension of Pre- 2006 pensioner- inclusion of Non Practicing Allowance

Revision of Pension of Pre- 2006 pensioner- inclusion of Non Practicing Allowance

Office of the Pr.C.D.A.(Pensions),
Draupadighat, Allahabad – 211014
Tele : (0532) -2421877

Circular No. 25

Dated: 21 December, 2015


1. The Director of Treasury

2. The Post Master, Kathua, Srinagar (J&K)

3. The Post Master, Campbell Bay (Andaman & Nicobar)

4. The Defence Pension Disbursing Officer ……..

5. The Pay and Accounts Officer ……..

6. The Pay and Accounts Officers Indian Embassy, Kathmandu, Nepal

7. The Director of Accounts, Panji (Goa)

8. The Finance Secretary, Gangtok

9. The Chief Manager, CPPC …..

10. The Manager, Link Bank ……..

SUBJECT:- Revision of Pension of Pre- 2006 pensioner- inclusion of Non Practicing Allowance (NPA) for revision of pension/ ordinary family pension in respect of Medical officers of Army Medical Corps (AMC)/Army Dental Corps(ADC)/ Remount Veterinary Corps (RVC).

Reference:- This office circular No. 24 dated 11.09.2015


Amendment to this office Circular No. 24 dated 11.09.2015 hereby carried out as under-

The following sentence may be inserted at the end of existing para at serial No. 8.

“The provision of this circular is applicable mutatis mutandis in respect of all Pre-1996 and Pre-2006 retired medical officers of Navy & Air force also, who were in receipt of NPA at the time of their retirement.” Their pension/ordinary family pension will also be revised as per respective annexure enclosed with the circular as per their equivalent ranks in Army.

(C.B. Yadav)
Asstt. CDA (P)

Date: 21.12.2015

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