Cabinet may consider proposal for 6 per cent DA hike today

Cabinet may consider proposal for 6 per cent DA hike today

Dearness Allowance is not only important for Central Government employees but also for all the State Government employees.

As we all know, generally, Dearness Allowance is given twice a year based on the inflation rates.

Mostly, this DA has been released at end of September . Occasionally, it has been released in the month of October.

Only after the DA for the Central Government employees is announced, most of the State Governments will make DA announcements. After the approval of the Cabinet, the Finance Minister will announce the DA order.

The pensioners have placed a plea to the government to release the DR Relief order also when it announces the Dearness Allowance in order to avoid possible delays in getting DR Relief.

In this scenario, it is natural for the employees to expect the announcement of DA every day. Let us hope that the announcement will come soon.

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