PM Modi Independence Day speech-One Rank One Pension

Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, has greeted the Nation on Independence Day.

“Independence Day greetings to all my fellow Indians. स्वतंत्रता दिवस की हार्दिक शुभकामनायें। जय हिन्द!” the Prime Minister said.

One Rank One Pension – Accepted Mr. Modi

Hon’ble Prime Minister Mr.Modi while delivering his Independence Day speech, he quoted “I assure the servicemen and I am saying it under the Tricolour from the Red Fort- we have accepted OROP. Some talks are still on.”

Watch the video where at 01 hour, 59 second, Mr.Modi has quoted the One Rank One Pension commitment to the defense personal.

Though there is no define deadline towards the implementation, he has assured the country men that the promise will be delivered.

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