Fixation of pay of officers of the Established Central Services (Class I) who are promoted to the senior scale after 1-7-1959 but before 2-8-1960

Fixation of pay of officers of the Established Central Services (Class I) who are promoted to the senior scale after 1-7-1959 but before 2-8-1960

Government of India
Ministry of Finance
(Department of Expenditure)

New Delhi-2, the 24th August, 1963.


Subject:-Fixation of pay of officers of the Established Central Services (Class I) who are promoted to the senior scale after 1-7-1959 but before 2-8-1960.

The undersigned is directed to refer to the Ministry of Finance Office Memorandum No.F.12(16)-Est(Spl)/60, dated the 1st December 1961, on the subject mentioned above and to say that a question has been raised as to how the pay of an officer of an Established Central Services (Class I)
who was promoted to erstwhile senior scale during the period from 1-7-1959 to 2-8-1960 and who was reverted on a date later than 2-8-1960, a post carrying the erstwhile  junior scale, should be fixed in the integrated revised scale of Rs.400-1250 on the date of such reversion.

2.Note 1 below Rule 10(1) of the C.C.S. (RP) Rules, 1960, indicates the procedure for the regulation of pay of a Government sercant who would have officiated in a  lower post but for his officiating in a higher post on 1-7-1959, and the existing scales applicable to these two posts have been merged into a single revised scale.

3.It has been decided that the cases of the officers who were promoted to the erstwhile senior scale after 1-7-1959 but before 2-8-1960 but who subsequently reverted or would have reverted to a post carrying the erstwhile junior scale on a date subsequent to 2-8-1960 should be regulated on the analogy of the provisions of Note 1 below rule 10(1) of the C.C.S (RP) rules 1960. In other words,  the pay as determined in accordance with the orders contained in the Office Memorandum dated the 1st December, 1961, should not be reduced even though such an officer is  reverted to a post carrying the erstwhile junior scale subsequently, provided the officer concerned had continuously officiated or would have continuously officiated in the senior scale for not less than a year. In case, however, where the reversion has taken or would have taken place before completion of one year’s continuous service in the senior scale, the pay of the officer should be re-fixed on the date of such reversion, at the stage he would have reached on the basis of the fixation of his pay with reference to the junior scale.

4.In so far as persons serving in the Indiian Audit and Accounts Department are concerned, these orders have been issued after consultation with the Comptroller and Auditor General of India.

(R.K.A. Subrahmanya)
Deputy Secretary to the Government of India.

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